"Please just let my daughter go." I said weakly to Nicole. She looked at me and laughed.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Please just let me see her." I said again weakly. Nicole looked at me and smiled. She got up and went into a room. I heard a quick yelp then I saw Janiyah coming out of the room, crying. She ran to me and cried in my chest.

"Janiyah, stop crying okay?" She looked up at me and wiped her tears.

"Okay mommy."

"Look, be strong okay? They didn't touch you did they?"

"They didn't. They just put me in a room by myself." I tried to stand up and a sharp pain shot through my legs and stomach.


"Mommy are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Time to go little brat." She said grabbing her arm. Janiyah slid out of her grip and ran to me.

"No! I want to stay with my mommy!"

"Janiyah, go. I'll be fine." Nicole grabbed her again and this time she didn't fight back. They slowly walked back to the door she came out of. I heard a noise and said a silent prayer to myself. Then a loud bang. I couldn't control the tears running down my face thinking that could've been Janiyah.

"AALIYAH! AALIYAH!" I closed my eyes in disbelief. This is nothing but a dream. I kept repeating it to myself.

"This is nothing but a dream" I repeated it to myself before I felt a shadow stand above me.c

"Aaliyah? Baby!" I opened my eyes and saw Jacob standing in front of me.

"Jacob? This is real?" I opened my eyes. OF FUCKING COURSE AALIYAH! "Jacob, Sa-save Janiyah." Tears started strolling down my face. "Ja-ja-janiyah. Get Janiyah." I whispered into Jacob's chest.

"We got her." He said quietly. Once again a sharp pain shot through my stomach and I blacked out.


"Aaliyah!? Aaliyah baby wake up!" My eyes started to wonder thinking about the possibilities of what will happen to her.

"Shit shit shit shit! Raven!" Raven came running from a different room with her sister following behind her.

"Yeah? Is that Aaliyah?" She said shocked while her sister covered her mouth.

"Yeah take her to the car and get to the hospital." They grabbed her.

"She's to heavy."

"We need some help." I shook my head and picked her up bridal style. I ran out of the building to the truck and slowly put her in the back seat. Raven and Adrianna got in the front and passenger seat.

"When we get Janiyah back we'll be over there." They nodded and drove off. I ran back into the building to see Meenna, Jessica, and Roc where Aaliyah was, raising their guns looking around.

"What's wrong, where's my daughter?" They all looked at me and turned away.

"Where the fuck is my daughter."

"Man, we don't know." Roc said.

"NICOLE BRING 'YO SCARY ASS OUT HERE WITH MY DAUGHTER!" I was quiet and listened for a moment.

"NICOLE! I WON'T TELL YOU AGAIN." Once again everything was quiet for a moment.

"You don't have to." I heard Nicole's voice and turned around quickly. We all gasped when we saw she had her hand over Janiyah's mouth and a gun to her head. Tears were rolling down her face.

Doing it Wrong [Sequel to We'll Be Fine]Where stories live. Discover now