[Chapter 5] Who Can You Trust?

Start from the beginning

Jo: "Listen brick for brains. We don't need you. I'm a champion sprinter, shot-putter and squat-thruster! And I'm whipping the rest of these limp noodles into shape!"

[She walks off with a confident look as Brick glares at her angrily.]

Brick: "My team will conquer! You'll see!"

Jo: "What ever you say GI joke!"

*Scene Change*

[Back inside your guy's cabin, Lightning and Sam are sitting on the bunkbed as Lightnings stomach rumbles.]

Lightning: "Time to refuel!"

[He opens the lid and screams, his scream shaking the whole cabin.]

Sam: 'Dude sounds like a shaman warlock cast a screaming spell on you."

Lightning: "Lightning was robbed!"

Sam: "What'd they take your weapons or your armor?"

Lightning: "My protein powder!"

[He tips the container as the scooper falls out.]

Sam: "Oh... yeah, that is... totally worth freaking out over... probably."

Lightning: "Scoopy, I will find the monster who did this. Lightning swears it!"

[Scott walks over to the two of them.]

Scott: "New guy shows up, Protein goes AWOL. Do the math."

*Scene Change*

[You're meeting up with Dawn to tell her your plan when you run into Brick.]

Brick: "Ah, (Y/N)! Sorry about waking you up this morning. But a good solder needs to wake up bright and early if they want to do their best!"

(Y/N): "I- see. But since you're here I want to talk to you, Dawn and I-"

Brick: "D-Dawn? I-I gotta go!"

[Brick hurries off as you try and talk to him.]

(Y/N): "Brick! Wait!"

[It's already too late as he's long gone, you look at him, confused.]

(Y/N): "O- kay..?"

*Scene Change*

[You're all gathered in the main lodge as Chef puts some meat on Lightning's plate.]

Lightning: "There's protein in this right?"

[Chef growls at him as Dawn comes up behind him.]

Dawn: "Your Chi is looking shrunken."

Lightning: "Chi? Which muscle is Chi? Whatever, doesn't matter. Lightning does not do shrinkage! Gimmie that!"

[He snatches her tray away as she glares at him, she sits down at a table and sighs, putting her head in her arms.]

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Dawn: "Nothing. I'm just tired of people not taking me seriously.."

(Y/N): "Well, I do.."

Dawn: "Yes, one out of many.."

[You feel bad for her and pull her into a hug, she's taken aback but melts into it.]

(Y/N): "Still, just because there's only one doesn't make it any less meaningful! Heck you even taught me that!"

[She looks up at you and smiles, you both get lost in each other's eyes for a while when suddenly Chris comes over the loud speakers.]

TDROTI Dawn X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now