"Thats good Eli, that makes me very proud of you, but that's not what we need to talk about." I tell him sitting in one of the arm chairs across from him. Luca occupies the other next to me.

"What's going on mom. Are you okay?"

"Yeah kiddo, I'm fine. Unn I ran into someone today. I well... I ran into Taylor today he was waiting outside my work."

"Taylor? Like my biological dad Taylor?"
He asked

"Yeah, Eli."

"What did that piece of shit do?"

I looked at him confused I never told Eli anything about Taylor he knew his name by accident. I was talking to aunt Paige and he heard his name and asked me about it. I told him that his dad wasn't ready to be a dad and that he lived far away.  "No. Luca, Parker, and some of the mc guys were there."

"I'm going to kill him." He seeths.

"Eli. What are you talking about?"

"We told him to never come near you, obviously he didn't take the warning seriously."

My eyes widen "Explain now eli"

"I heard you and Granny talking a few years ago about him and what he did to you." I see his fists balled up. "He tried to kill you when he found out you were pregnant and you weren't having an abortion. That sick fuck tried to."

I cut him off "Elijah Parker! That's enough. That was never a conversation you were supposed to hear. It sure as fuck wasn't something you were supposed to do anything about. You are the child I am the parent it is my job to protect you not the other way around."

"Do you consider grams and gramps your parents?" He asked

"Of course I do"

"Then it's gramps job to protect you and thats what he was trying to do when he knew we were moving back here."


"Before gramps took the police commisoner job here he wanted to make sure you were gonna be safe. He knew we wouldn't stay in Seattle without them. He wasn't gonna even take the job."

"You and him took a trip a couple weeks before we moved. He said it was a boys fishing trip."

"Yeah we lied." He shrugs.

I can feel the tears burn behind my eyes. The shame is burning my body "Stay away from him Eli. I'm not fucking around. Do you understand me?" My voice is broken.

"Yeah, mom I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Eli. You don't have to worry about your mom. The club is going to make sure you're both okay. You're under our protection. The sinners won't get to either of you." I forgot Luca was even here.

My son stared at luca for a long moment "Okay" he nodded his head. "I'm gonna go over to see locklynn for a little bit. I'm sorry mom. I love you."

He came over to me wrapping his arms around my wait and pulled me to my feet hugging me. "I love you too Eli. Go ahead I'll see you later."

After eli left luca and I sit in silence for what feels like forever "angel?"

"Hmm?" I answer

"You okay?"

"Yep. Just thinking."

"About what?"

I sigh "about it probably being a bad idea to move here. Eli and I could go anywhere it's not like I need my job."

"You're leaving?"

"Maybe. I dont know. All i know is i cant let taylor ruin my life again."

"He wont" luca sounded so confident.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now