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The stream grows longer, it becomes more and more unbearable by the minutes. He doesn't feel like streaming anymore. The repetitive comments, the lack of the fans asking questions, the restrictions EVERYTHING. He was getting sick of it.

No he never got sick of his fans or performing but streaming wasn't as fun as it used to be. He used to stay on stream for hours talking to fans but now he can barely stay on for 20 minutes before he gets bored.

30 minutes into the stream he breaks the news

"Hey guys, I think I have to end the stream early"

Although he hates disappointing his fans, he just couldn't bare to put on a fake smile for another 30 minutes.

Yeah he had taken a 2 month break but coming back to all the overwhelming waves of comments reminded him of why he actually took a break in the first place.

He needed to find a new way to interact with fans without it becoming like a task rather than a leisurely thing.

His comments flooded with disappointed but empathetic comments.

"We missed you so much but it's okay!"

"Take your time! Come back when you're ready"


Well... SOME empathetic comments


It's been 3 hours since beomhan ended his live. He's been so frustrated at himself that he's locked himself into a practice room.

He hasn't stopped for a moment, just continuously dancing and learning how to build up his stamina.

Although he's living his dream, something has been bothering him lately.

All beomhan does is practice practice stream practice practice practice and more streams.

In the morning he gets up, posts on social media. Then he heads into the practice room for about an hour just to practice a dance he's been working on for months. After that he streams for around an hour just to get in some fan interactions. Then back to the practice room he goes. Dancing his heart away, and rapping as much as he can. Rapping has always been fun to beomhan. The way you can put a string of words together to rhythmically say them in a fast manner has always interested him. He was even trained by Eminem himself. Beomhan learned how to rap Godzilla by the time he was 12. He's been wanting to get on Show Me The Money for a while but he just wants to improve on his Korean first. Anyways that's besides the point.
It's getting repetitive.

So much so that he feels like he's losing himself.

Even his CEO, Jina has noticed it. She usually tries to help beom out but this time, she feels like he really just needs to leave for a month again. The past two months were solely to work on his mental and physical health. They did improve but something was still bother Beomhan. CEO Jina suggested a trip for beomhan. He could pre film a ton of videos just so no one finds it odd that he left again. Beomhan explained on his Instagram that he's going to be busy again but will continue to post per usual. There simply wouldn't be any live streams.

That'll hopefully solve this.

CEO Jina suggests that Beomhan goes to Guam for a little while. Just so that he can recharge and comeback as a new person for his debut. Beomhan agrees and it's official!

Guamhan is making a comeback

Beomhan (a real story)Where stories live. Discover now