Chapter 5 - I Can't Dance

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Izzy's POV
After school on Monday, I'm talking with Willard about something when my brother comes out of the school. His sunglasses are on his face so I can't see his expression, but I can tell he's mad.

"Hi, Ren. Ready to go?" I ask.

Although it is a Monday, we don't have football or cheer practice today. Before I can get to the car, Ren starts the car and drives away.

"Ren, wait!" I shout. I stand there watching Ren drive away and I don't understand what made him so mad. Willard places a hand on my shoulder.

"I can take you home, Izzy." He says. I smile.

"Thanks, Willard." I mutter as I follow Willard to his truck.

When Willard pulls up to my house, I look over at him and smile.

"You wanna come in? My aunt probably made some cookies," I say. Willard shrugs.

"Sure. I could eat some cookies,"

"Great. Come on in then," I say. Willard follows me into the house and my aunt is in the kitchen when we come inside.

"Hi Izzy. Hi Willard. You kids want some cookies?" Aunt Lulu asks.

"Yes I would. Thank you, ma' am." Willard replies as he grabs two cookies out of the Tupperware container. I laugh and grab myself two cookies. My aunt closes the container and smiles.

"You're welcome, Willard."

Willard and I go outside and sit on the front porch. Willard smiles as he finishes his second cookie and looks at me.

"Your aunt makes some good cookies, Izzy." He says. I nod.

"Yeah. She does. I really appreciate you bringing me home, Willard. I still don't know why my brother was so angry that he forgot to take me home," I explain. Willard shrugs.

"Yeah. I don't know. Sometimes, you just need to blow off some steam. He was probably not thinkin' straight either,"

"That's true. I'll see you later Willard," I say with a smile. Willard nods.

"See you tomorrow, Izzy."

I watch as Willard drives away and then I go to mine and Ren's room to do my homework.

Willard's POV
Over the weekend, Ren drives Izzy, Rusty, Ariel, and I two hours from home to go dancing. He pulls into the parking lot of a bar and walks alongside me when we're walking in.

"Time to get some city into you," he says with a smirk.

We enter the bar and Rusty's eyes grow wide.

"Wow. It's huge," she says. Ariel and Izzy laughs as the three girls run off the dance. Ren begins to pull me towards the girls and I shake my head.

"No way, man, I'm not dancing." I say. Ren frowns.

"We came two hours and you're not going to dance? It's line dancing. It's a white man's wet dream,"

"I can't dance, okay?" I answer. Ren's eyes grow wide and I shake my head. "At all,"

"Alright, you know what..." Ren says, grabbing my arm. He pulls me over to a group that is dancing in a corner of the bar. He nods to a woman with red hair and a cowgirl hat.

"Hey. Y'all need to learn some dance moves?" The woman asks. I frowns.

"Aw man, you're gonna put me in daycare while you go dancin' with them girls." I say. Ren shakes his head.

"Look. Just learn a couple box steps and then come and join us," he says before walking away.

"Just step in with us then, alright?" The woman teaching line dancing says.

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