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Childhood friends to lovers au :) just for fun


"George, you can't stay huddled up in here forever. Go outside and say hi to the other kids on the playground. Maybe you'll make some new friends!" George's mother said as she started to unpack the box in front of her. George begrudgingly stood up and walked to the door. He didn't want to go outside. He didn't want new friends. His old friends back in England were just fine.
"It's not my fault I have no friends." He grumbled
"Mom's stupid new job made us come here. I had plenty of friends before." As he opened the door he heard and screech from just outside the house. George noticed a small boy roughly the same age as him wearing a green t-shirt run past. Close on his tail was a another kid attempting to tag him. George stepped off his porch and made his way across the street to the playground. He found a place under the platforms of the playground to sit peacefully. Or so he thought.
"Hi! What's your name?" A voice came from behind him. George turned to see the same boy who was running from the tagger previously.
"Um, George." George said quietly as the boy took a seat in front of George.
"Cool, my name's Clay. Haven't seen you before. Did you just move here?" Clay asked
" Yeah. I'm from England. My mom got a new job here." George said looking up at Clay. "Awesome I live two doors down! That means we can play together everyday!" Clay said smiling. "Why would you want to play with me? You have your friends to play with." George spoke as he fiddled with the wood chips beneath him. "What do you mean? You are my friend. And I promise you it will stay that way forever. You're never getting rid of me!" Clay says with a wide grin. George smiles and Clay drags him to the swings.

Time skip 8 years Clay is 13 George is 14

"Clay would you leave me alone. I'm trying to finish my essay for Mr. Rosenthaw." George says as he typed on his computer. "But you've been working on it all day." Clay whines "It's Saturday we should be doing something fun." "Oh like what?" George says egging dream to reply. "We could be playing games. Or getting ice cream. Or going to the beach." Clay lists trying to get George away from his computer. "Fine." George sighs. "Ice cream sounds nice." Clay smiles and the boys make their way to the shop in town. After exiting the store the boys settle on a curb to eat their ice cream. "Y'know George, we've been friends forever. Have you ever thought about what it's be like if we'd never met?" Clay asked
"All the time." George said licking his ice cream. " I think about how if I'd stayed in London I would have different friends and seen different things. When I first moved here all I wanted to do was go back but looking at it now if I had gotten my wish I wouldn't have met you and I don't think I could've lived with that." Clay smiles gently and the two boys made eye contact. Without realizing Clay leans in the slightest bit and George freezes. Clay soon understands his action but doesn't take it back. In fact, he leans in closer. Noticing that George doesn't pull away, Clay closes the gap between him and George.

Time skip 10 years Clay is 23 George is 24

George lifts the box in front of him and walks into the house. His excitement is unmeasured as he sets it down in the living room and looks around. He takes in the space. It's their's finally. Nobody else's. He's never had a space where he could totally be himself with repercussions, but now he does. And he gets to share it with the love of his life. Speaking of which, Clay walks in the doorway with two suitcases in tow. "Wow this place is huge! I can't wait to decorate!" He exclaims, setting down the suitcases. He walks over to a smiling George and wraps his arms around him. "It's amazing to finally have our own place after so many years." George says digging his face into Clay's chest. "I know, George. It really is. Now we get to be together forever. I told you you'd never get rid of me."

794 words

I love a good time skip if you can't tell lol
Sorry for the mistakes too. I fixed all I could find. pls let me know if you see anymore they're kinda embarrassing :,)

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