Airport crush

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I thought this was a phenomenon. I've heard stories of people seeing the hottest people in airports and missing their chances to find true freaking love. Well, today that chance has fallen upon me.

It all happened in a split second. One minute I'm plugging my phone into my charger while sitting near my gate and the next the hottest man alive is sitting two rows down, sliding his headphones on. I mean, I've always had a thing for green-eyed blondies but this guy is probably immaculate to everyone.

I fall into a hopeless romantic wormhole.

What if he's on my flight? Maybe even near me on the plane? What if we're going to the same destination and happen to be in the same area and we see each other wherever we go and eventually end up falling in love!

Ok, yeah that'll never happen. This guy has three layers on. There is no way he's going to Florida. But he is sitting just 2 rows away. What if I went up to him? Just casual, yknow. Pretend I haven't been here for thirty minutes and act like that's the first spot I chose. Ew, no that's cringe. What would I even say to strike up a conversation? "Hey, hottie. I like the airport fit. Gotta stay comfortable." No way, I disgust myself.

I think the safest thing for me to do is stay the fuck away from him. No hot guy needs their traveling to be plundered by a hopeless person like myself.

Oh shit, a girl just walked up to him with a coffee cup in hand. That must be his girlfriend. Good thing I didn't try and flirt with him. I watch the exchange and notice the hottie's hesitance and the persistence of the girl. Is she trying to forcefully give him the coffee? What is going on here. I must be out of my mind, but I get up and walk over(taking my bag with me, of course. Don't leave your stuff unattended people).

"Hey what's up I haven't seen you in forever, dude!" I say directing my attention to the hot guy. Oh my god, he's even more gorgeous up close. "I'm so glad we could finally make this trip. We've been planning this for forever." I continue as he gives me a look of confusion. Yup, me, a totally stranger just acting like an old buddy to get this chick away from you.

"Um, I'm sorry but we were in the middle of something. Can't you wait just a bit before rudely budging in on a conversation?" The girl replied with a jutting hip and a snarky point.

"Sorry lady, I was just trying to say hello to my dearest friend. Didn't mean to intrude on your poor flirting attempt." Oh god, I hope I'm interpreting this situation correctly. What if she is actually his girlfriend!

"Simon! It's so great to see you, too! I'm sorry, Abigail, but I don't want your number and I'd like it if you didn't speak to my friend that way. I don't want your coffee and I'd like to be left alone. Have a good day." The hot guy dismisses little Abigail and she fumes. Her face turns red and she stomps to the trashcan. She makes sure to make eye contact with us as she stuffs the coffee cup into the trashcan. What a petty bitch.

"Hey, um, thanks for that. I never know what to do with girl try to hit on me." The hot guy says turning to me after Abigail's display. Really? I thought a guy like him would deal with that som many times it'd be like second nature.

"Hey, it's no problem. I just noticed what was going down from afar and thought you could use a hand." I say, trying my best not to look into his emerald eyes for too long. I could totally get lost in those.

"Yeah, thanks again. I'm Clay by the way. It's nice to meet you. Are you on the flight at this gate to Florida? Maybe we can sit together. The flight is pretty empty, if I remember correctly."

Clay. Mm what a sexy name for a sexy man(lol). I casually bite my lip. Yeah, I could get used to saying Clay.

"Despite what you might think, Clay, my name is not Simon." Clay shruggs sheepishly at my comment. "My name is George and, yes, I am on the flight to Florida. I didn't think you were thought. You've got a lot of layers on." I awkwardly chuckle as we make our way to a row of seats.

What do I do? I've never gotten this far with flirting. I'm entering unknown territory. I'm supposed to be hopeless but it seems I'm finessing an actual connection. This not how I thought this flight would go. That's why I didn't wear a remotely good looking outfit. I'm in some old, tattered sweat pants and the crustiest hoodie that has ever hoodied. Why now do I meet the hottest man on earth?

He doesn't seem to mind though. He talks with me and laughs with me. We give each other the rundown of our lives and laugh at old stories we haven't told in a while. Even as we board the plane and take our seats, our chats continue. Once in the air the embarrassing thoughts start flooding in again. The worst of all being: "am I going to join the mile high club today?" I had to smack myself for that one.

Clay watched my slap my own cheek and looked at me curiously. "What was that for?" He asked and I short-circuited. "Absolutely nothing. I just felt like doing that, I guess." Clay shrugged and I about died of embarrassment. Clay handed me an AirPod and booted up his laptop and browsed the available movies.

Throughout the flight, Clay and I were on and off watching movies, sleeping, and quietly chatting. The hours went by fast and before I knew it; we were preparing to land. Our time together was coming to an end. How am I going to survive without seeing his beautiful face everyday? I don't think I can do it.

Don't worry, my love! I shall never forget our fateful meeting. You will forever be the one in my heart. 'Till the day I die, I shall not think of another. Though our time together was short, my love for you is immense. May it be so for the rest of my life.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Can I get your number? I'd really like to keep in touch after we land." Clay says, snapping me out of my dramatic thoughts.

"Yeah, sure. I'd like that." I flash him a big smile as I type my phone number into his contact thing. "Maybe we can meet up at some point. How long are you staying in Florida?" I ask. Pretty please say forever so I can live out this fairytale of us falling in love and living happily ever after.

"Actually I live in Florida. I was in England for work. So, whenever you want, just shoot me a text and we'll plan it. How long are you here for?" Clay says as the seat belt light comes on and the plane starts its descent. The gods have answered my prayers. Oh, thank you fate for gracing me with such an opportunity.

"I'm actually moving to Florida. I bought a place just last week." This is too prefect, only thing that will make it better is if we were living near each other.

"Oh, congrats! Did you get a place in Orlando? I live just outside of the city, toward the south."  Clay said as the wheels of the plane touched the ground. I think I'm dying. "Yes, on magnolia street, next to this cute little diner." I say imagining my apartment in my head.

"This is crazy. I know that exact place. My mom and I used to go there all the time. It's perfect. Your place is like a 20 minute drive from mine. It's like it was meant to be." Clay said smiling and taking my hand. I blush like crazy cause maybe it is meant to be. I know everyone says that they miss their chance when hot airport men cross their path but I think I just bagged the sexiest man alive.


I had a bit of fun with this one! Don't mind George's dramatics, he's just love struck 😚. Anyways, thanks for reading <3

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