A Mother

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I yawned as my tail wagged,I pulled my skirt up,I was elected to do something for the school, which is go in space,so that's where were heading,well me and a scientist,We soon got to a plane and I looked at him,He then grabbed me by my arm and drag me,I whined and pain and tried to push him off till he threw me into a cage,I whined and stood,I looked out the glass and whined"Now,just wait okay,I'll fix you up"he says and walks away,My ears flatten and I go to the corner and whine

I whined in pain and whined again,he finally stopped,I look at him as he giggled "I bet you parents are glad your gone,And your school,Hahaha" he walked away,I whimper and push into a wall and close my eyes

I jumped up at the sounds of screaming,I then see the scientists head hit the glass ex6hard and then watch as he falls,I stand and move to the corner

That's when my door opened and some kind of alien walks in

I whimper push into the corner,It walks over to me and grabs me,I whine and it puts me on it's back and walked out

The alien set me on something that looked like a nest and laid behind me,I looked around,Theres a bunch of aliens,This on must be a Queen,I looked at it,Yep female,I nuzzle into it and it pulls me into it more and rips my clothes off then licks my back and pins me down

I whimper as it licks me more and then lays down and nuzzles me and wraps its tail around,I feel....comfortable

I lay down and breath and close my eyes and she licks my head more

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