meeting the RORs

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Warning:again cussing if you don't like it just ignore ot or add your own words. There will be more in future chapters.

Mike and Sullivan ran through the doors as I looked out the window. I have flown in while... I looked at my wings and said 'Fuck it.' I jumped out of the window closing my eyes. I opened them and I was flying! I followed the two boys as u lunged for it while it ran around a. Fontana but missed. Mike jumped on the back after the pig. "Ride it to frat row!" Sullivan yelled out. I followed flying ahead a little. 'God that pig is fast' I thought. I zoomed under a bridge that had a banner on it that said 'Rush week' and kept following them. They eventually ran into a fraternity house named 'JOX' I flew outside waiting for them to come out. I spotted Randle as Mike and the pig ran into him making the cupcakes spell 'Lame' on his face. All of us ignored him still trying to get the pig. Mike got knocked off the pig and I flew faster flying in front of a fraternity house called 'ROR' catching their attention and dived. I landed on the pig catching it doing a barrel role on the ground before crouching still holding the pig. Everyone looked over clapping and cheering.mike and Sullivan ran over as I took Mike's hat out of the pigs mouth giving it to him. "Thanks Y/n." I nodded and gave Sullivan the pig. "Fear Techs mascot! MU rules!" He held the pig up as a monster put a MU sticker over the Fear Techs logo on its jacket. Everyone cheered and clapped. As we were approached by a few fraternity houses. "Did you see the girl catch that pig that was sick! And you, you are Jaws Theta Chi material freshman!" The JTC president spoke. I stood up ar my full hieght only a tad bit shorter than Sullivan. "No,no,no. He's an Omega Howler guy." The OH president said. Mike realized at this point they were talking about Sullivan and not him. I crouched back down again. "Back off. We saw him first!" The two presedents agreed. Until a smooth and dare I say Sexy voice cut in. "I'll take it from here, gentlemen," they moved out of the way and me and Mike both looked at him. A purple monster with two long brown horns wearing a ROR jacket along with the others walked up to us. "Johnny Worthington, president of Roar Omega Roar. What's your name bug blue?" Johnny asked. "Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me sully." He replied looking at Johnny ignoring us. "Thsi guys a Sullivan? Like the famous Sullivan? I can't believe it! That's is crazy!" The crab monster exclaimed. "Chet, clam down" Johnny said calmly. "Im Sorry." Chet  apologized. "Sulley, any freshman with the guts to pull off a stunt like that has future scarer written all over him." They started to walk away. Mike followed. 'Mike come on why do you have to make my life so much harder." I thought jokingly. "Hey, did you see me ride the pig? That took guts." Mike said trying to get thier attention when Chet stopped him. "Slow down, squirter this party is for scare student only." Mike seemed offened. "Oh, sorry, killer, but you might want to hang out with someone a little more your speed.." Johnny put a hand on Mike's shoulder and looked around. "Oh,  they look fun." He pointed at a fraternity  group that just plainly looked sad. "Go crazy." He started walking back up. 'At least he was nice about it.' I thought. "Is that a joke?" Mike questioned while Johnny groaned. "Sulley, talk yo your friend." Johnny looked at him. "Oh, he's not really my friend, but sure." Sullivan stepped down a few steps. "You heard him. This is a party for scare students." Mike took a step forward. "I/he am/is a scare student." Me and Mike both said at the same time. "I mean for scare students who actually, you know, have a chnace?" That's it. I growled at Sullivan and was about to say something when Mike put his hand up and looked at me telling Mr to staop without saying anything. "My chances are just as good as yours and Y/n's." He motioned toward sme behind him. 'Oh so now you add me to the conversttion.' I thought and everyone looked at me. I didn't say anything just glared at all of them. "You two arnt even in the same league as me." Sullivan chuckled. "Just wait hotshot, we're going to scare circles around you this year." I snapped. He turned and looked at us. "Oh, okay. I'd like to see that." Sullivan chuckled walking away with the rest of the RORs. "Oh trust me you will." Mike said walking away as I followed. "Race ya to the dorms?" I asked. Mike looked at me. "Oh your on." I chuckled. "I'll give ya a head start."Mike started running. I jumped into the air and flew to the dorms. Little did I know I was being watched by a few on the RORs(this includes Johnny.) I landed in Mike's dormroom and sat down on his bed reading a book as he busted through the door thinking he was winning. "What took you so long?" I questioned Mike sighed in defiet. "Alright in going to head to bed. I'm tierd." I got up walking to the door. "Alright see ya tomorrow horns." I open the door leaving going to my dorm laying down on my bed. 'This has been a long day.' I thought as I fell asleep.

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