!first day at Monsters University!

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The bus arrived at the Gate of monsters university while Mike was watching out the window Y/n was asleep in the seat next to him. "Y/n wake up we're here." Mike shook Y/n awake.
*Y/n's pov*
"Already?" Mike nodded. "Monsters university anybody getting off?" The bus driver asked. Me and Mike both got up and grabbed our stuff. I walked to the front while Mike started talking. "I'm sorry for this." I apologized. "It's alright. He's got to hurt up so I can get to my next stop." I looked at Mike. "Well everyone I don't mean to get emotional but. . Everything in my life has led to this moment. Let it not be the beginning of my dreams but the beginning of all of our dreams. Glades, promise me you'll keep auditioning. Marie's, Mr. Right is out there somewhere. Phill, keep using ointment until that thing goes away. I wish you all the best, thank you all so much!" The bus driver leaned down. "I'm welling up tears now get off." He threw his bags down as I stood there waiting. "Did you really have to do that to those innocent people?" I asked jokingly. "Yes horns I did. Arnt you atheist  excited?" He asked. "Yeah for the first time in awhile I am." We walked through the gates. Monsters where flying around and talking to each other. Mike greeted a few of them while we walked past. Some big purple monster ran past us grabbing a Frisbee and throwing it cause wind to go past us. We saw a school called 'school of aquatics' under the water. "Okay first thing on my list, get registered." Mike inclicked his pen. "hey there freshman! I'm J the RA and I'm here to say registration is that way!" He pointed off somewhere. "Okay Jay!" Mike picked up his bags. "Hve a great first day!". We found the registration and stood in line waiting till it was our turn. When we got to the front a monster gave us instructions. "Hey I'm Kay. Here's you orientation packets. You can drop your bags off here and get your picture taken with trey." We went to get out pictures taken. "Say horray." We got out and looked at our cards. "I can't believe I'm officially a collage student!" He was barley in the picture. "Niether can I." I looked at mine crouching down on my hands. "Okay everyone I'm Fay and I'll be giving you an orientation tour on this perfect day!"
(Time skip to where they see the scaring school cuase I'm too lazy)
"But the crown jewelry of MU is the scaring school." The monsters cleared out so we could see.
We were walking down a path of clubs to join. "Welcome to the debate team we're happy to have you." One head of the monster said. " I disagree for the following reasons." We walked past a few of them hearing something that caught Mike's attention. "MU's Greek council we sponsor the annual scare games." Mike ran back grabing the paper from the monster that was holding it. "The scare what now?" I walked over looking at the paper. "The scare games! A super intense scaring completion" the other one said loudly. "Thier crazy dangerous anything could happen." She added in. "A bunch if guys went to the hospital last year!" He'd exclaim. "You could totally die." She said calmer that the other one. "And it's worth it. You get a chance to prove that you are the best!" He slammed his hands down on the table.
-timeskip to getting dormrooms.-
"Wazowski room 319. You now your roommate is a scaring major too. L/n room 320 you don't have a roommate." I nodded and took my key while Mike gasped. "Hello I'm your roommate. No that's to bland. Don't force it just let it happen." He got to his door I stopped too. "Your lifelong best friend is right behind this door." Before he could open it I added. "I thought I was your best friend?" He looked at me. "You are horns but your more like a sister to me." He opened the door but gasped. A lizard like monster came out of the room. "Hey there, I'm your roomie. Names Randy Bob's Scaring major." Mike chuckled. "Mike wazowski scaring major." Randy smiled. "I can tell we're going to be best chums mate. Take which ever bed you want I wanted you to have dibs. AA." Somthign scared Randy and he turned invisible. "Huh, you just disapeared." Mike Said in disbelief. "Sorry, if I do that in scaring class I'll be a joke." He loked down. "No it's totally great you gotta use it." Mike said supportively."really?" He asked. "Yeah, it could work really well in tour favor."I added and he looked at me. "Y/n L/n scaring major. I'm your neighbor and Mike's best friend" I rubbed the back of my head. "I'm going to get unpacked" I said and started walking away. "Alright horns." I didn't hear anything else of thier conversation. I opened my door and started to unpack. After I fully got unpacked I went over rto my window. I turned off my light and looked out ti the school. I decided to head to bed and got under the covers falling asleep.

-heres the next part for all of you!-

Johnny Worthington x Werewolf! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt