-first school day and Sulivan?-

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I slammed my hand down on the alarm. Morning already? I got up and started to get ready. My fur really did not want to work with me today. After about 20 minutes I finally got control over it. I walked out of my room to see Mike just walk out of his with Randy behind him. Talk about good timing right? "Hey Mike, hey Randy." I greeted them. "Hey horns!" "Hey Y/n" I walked up to them. "Excited for the first day?" I looked at them. "Of course!" Mike said happily. "I am but im a little nervous.." I put my paw, hand? On his shoulder. "I think you'll do great." We started to walk over to the doors. We got out and walked up to the scaring school. We heard the bell ring as we walked up the stairs. We walked spast touching the claw of a statue. " I can't believe we are here.." i whispered to Mike. "Me either." He jumped but missed and tried again and touched it. I touched with no issues since my hieght. We walked in looking around. We looked at the states of scarrers and their cans. We went to three open seats in the front and sat down. A furry red monster scoffed at Mike as their friend next to them said "you got to be kidding me." I looked at them and growled. They both looked away. No one talks bad about my friends. "I'm so nervous." Randy whispered. "Relax it'll be fine." I whispered to him. "Good morning students. Welcome to scaring 101. I am Prof. Knight. Now I'm sure all of you wre the scariest monster in your town.  But bad news kids your in my town now and I do not scare easliy" He jumped as curtains opened. A monster up at the top flew down. Closing all the curtains on their way. "Dean Heartscrable this is a present surprise." We watched her walk around for a second before she spoke. "I don't mean to interrupt I just thought I'd drop by to see the terrifying faces joining my program." She looked at all of us. "Well in sure my students would love to hear a few words of insperation?" She thought for a moment. "Insperation? Very well. Scarienes is the true measure of a monster. If your not scary what kind of a monster are you? It's my job to make great students greater. Not make mediocre students less mediocre. That is why at the end of the semester there will be a final exam. Fail that exam and you are out of the scaring program." Students whispered and talked to each other. "So I would hope you all are properly inspired." She opend her wings taking off out of an open window. "Alright, alright. Who can tell me the properties of an effective roar?" I looked at Mike. "You can do it. My brains all fuzzy right now." He nodded and raised his hand. "Yes?" He stood up. "There are actually 5.thoes include the roars residence the duration of the roar and th-" Mike was cut off as a blue monster roared. "Whoops sorry. I heard someone say roar so I just kinda went for it." He walked past a few students. "Dxcuas eme sorry didn't mean to scare ya there" He got to his seat. He didn't have to cut Mike off. "Very impressive. Mr?" Thw monster  looked at the teacher. "Sullivan, Jimmy Sullivan." He sat down. "Sullivan? Like Bill Sullivan, the scarer?" The teacher asked. "Yeah he's my dad." People whispered about him. " I should have known. I expect big things from you."He pointed at Sullivan. "Well you won't be disappointed." Mike spoke up. "Um in sorry should I keep going?" Mike asked. "Nah,nah Mr.Sullivans covered it." He looked at Sullivan while Sullivan pointed at him Making a clicking sound.  "Everyone open your scaring textbooks and open them to chapter one." I opened my book. I can't believe he would cut Mike off like that. And to make things worse, he forgot his stuff!?
-next chapter done. It's the weekend for me know so I'll try to get a few done.-

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