that shits gay

392 10 17

Enid's POV

i woke up to a weight on my stomach..
Wednesday was lightly snoring i never noticed she snored she always seemed a quiet sleeper..

i found myself unbraiding her hair running my fingers through her black locks it was soft i twirled the strands round my fingers
fuck this girl is so pretty..
i froze as she leaned into me shes doing it subcontiously of course I'm sure she doesn't mean any of this..
its wednesday..
i guess she isn't great w the whole emotions thing..

eh what the heck it was still only about half 1 she had time to go on tiktok for a bit
itd been about half an hour
"mmnn" she grumbled "mi amor.. sleep. she pushed the phone away from my hand laying her head back on my stomach

mi amor? did she just call me that..? she's tired only explanation. cannot possibly be any other reason.
i had picked up my phone again the light making her hiss under her breath
pushing the phone down once more
"cara mia.. go to sleep.." laying her head on my chest.

she was half asleep and not even that lasted long she soon feel asleep again. did she actually know what she was doing.
Wednesday being this affectionate was nice yet but weird as shit coming from her.
eh thats a problem for tmrw enid today enid needs sleep.

Wednesday's POV

i eventually woke up to the sound of her heart beat the rhythmic thumbing aline with my own
only at that moment had it occurred to me i had no only fallen asleep on her but.
but i called her 'petnames'..
father calls mother those a nauseating amount.
I'm aware of the family trait however it infuriates me how I'm becoming just like him.

I'm depending on her.
dependence is weakness.

despite my own reasoning it feels warm.. contrast to my usual taste I'm aware.
budum dudum budum
that rhythmic beat of her heart was encapsulating i cuddled into her
id sooner slit my own throat before telling a single soul living or dead about this

"Wens? you awake?" my eyes were still closed so i acted as if i was still deep in the land of sweet nightmares
"i take that as a no" i felt something touch my forehead before she tried to gently lift me of of her.
i grumbled in objection.
because it was cold-
no other reason.
"mornin sleepyhead" she grinned "you sleep well"

embarrassment ensued.

no i had to put up with you scrolling on your phone" absolutely no chance I'd admit to such things.
"you coulda just asked me too go back to my own bed" she teased.
"don't push it."
"but you snuggled into me n everything" she kept teasing. testing my patience.
"Enid i mean it."
"whaaat your the one that called me 'mi amor' and what was the other one?" thats it. somehow the teasing was just too much now.
she leaned in close. too close.
"whatcha gunna do hmm?"

i could feel warmth in my face a rather unfamiliar feeling but for once i couldn't think of a tasteful threats. usually when a threat came to mind i had full intention of following it threw but not a single one i thought of i was willing to commit..

she's fucking with my usual sense of self.
she's doing this on purpose she's getting some sadistic pride on seeing me in such a state.
i pulled the knife from my sleave

"keep talking and i will slice your tongue from your mouth."
"I'm sorry what?"
"i said. bet. go on then Addam's do it"
i could feel my face burning
Enid knew exactly what she was doing she knew i wouldn't or maybe she doesn't maybe she's just seeing how far she can push her luck..
maybe i need to play this game her way.
I've seen father do this many times before.
i can't believe I'm doing this

i got slightly closer.
"Cara mia.. don't be like that" I'd observed my parents nauseating 'flirting' to know exactly how to get myself out of this situation
i looked down at her lips then up into her eyes please forgive me mi amor..

my dignity wasn't entirely intact however it worked she was just as red in the face as the fresh spill of crimson blood.

i myself had recovered from the previous interaction
"how about we go to the weathervane, you like the hotchocolate there"

"yh that sounds nice.." victory. i win. and i didn't have to cut her tongue.
she immediately perked up why was that a more satisfying feeling then winning seeing her smile.

we walked from our dorm to the café she got a hotchocolate as i suspected
i got my usual of course routine is of course the rhythm of life throw it off and its sour and incorrect

we sat down usual window booth I'd sat since day one as i said. routine.
i felt her hand on mine.
Enid gets comfortable. extremely quickly.
too comfortable i mean its fine.
anyone else I'd slit their throat.

but Enid there's something about her that warms my cold black heart
she learned her head on my shoulder drinking her hot chocolate.

"am i interrupting something..?" ajax. he broke up with Enid over the break i hadn't had a chance to nailgun his heart to the main door as a reminder to everyone to what happens when you hurt her..

"not at all" she spoke fanning a smile his stupid smirk I'd cut it permanently into his face if not for Enid clutching my hand and the amount of witnesses

"could i talk to you.. like.. alone?"
"whatever you need to say to me you can say infront of Wednesday" i could feel the corners of my mouth lift into a subtle smirk

"i uh- I'm sorry about.. yk what happened between us.. i wasn't thinking clearly i was just worried I'd hurt you"

"what are you saying ajax.."

"I'm saying i regret breaking up with you.. please Enid give me another chance.. ill do better" she clutched my hand. i could feel the circulation weakening.

"Ajax I'm sorry but.. you did hurt me already.. i can't I'm sorry"
"b-but Enid-"
"she said no.. now run along before someone gets hurt.

he looked at me his eyes flashing fear. he jumped up left
"thank you.."
"its alright threatening people is my forte"
"yh- ik.. can we go back now? that kinda spoiled things plus i have some ideas for something we can do!"

and with that we walked back the whole time still acutely aware of everyone around us every glance every person every movement. there was still someone who wanted me dead of course

we got back.
it was time for cello practice but enid seemed. distraught i decided to hold of for now in spite of my schedule

"you seem upset mi amor.." i sat next to her infront of the stained window

"just as i got over him and I'm happy.. he just thinks he can come back into my life like that again.. its like.. Wednesday.. i really like you.."

i knew she liked me but hearing the words..
it felt different

"I'm sure I've made it obvious cariño.. but i like you too but know i will be obsessively protective of you"

"i kinda guessed that love.."
before i even know what was going on i felt her lips on mine and her hands on the side of my head

someone burst through the door.
"Enid please can we just talk it throu- oh-"
it was Ajax..
"oh- so this is why you won't get back with me.. you're to busy kissing a psycho!"

i took a knife from my boot and threw it at the doorframe right next to his head i took another from my belt
"that was a warning get lost next time you wont be so lucky.."

he slammed the door behind him enid buried her face into the crook of my neck soft crying.

I'm going to kill him
i'll kill him

bitter sweet (wednesday x Enid/wenclair)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora