a date to remember pt 2

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Enid's POV

i searched for her for what felt like days but was only an hour or so.
wednesday was absolutely amazing at covering her tracks so i cant simply follow her trail id have to look in all her hiding spots

she wasnt in the nightshade chamber
nor was she with eugene at the bee shed wednesday wasn't at the greenhouse either
she wasnt with Bianca, Yoko and thankfully she was not with the desperate to artist.
next place was were the goth girl was found leaned up against an old dark oak.
book in hand.
a mournful expression on her lips.

"Wednesday?" she didn't speak.
"Wens.. whats wrong?"
"don't call me that." her words spat like venom

"Wednesday, please.. i don't care if we don't date-" that was a lie her warm fuzzy feelings for her were painful
the goth's brow furrowed as she looked away trying to hide her own pain to the situation.
why was she doing this to herself..? she seemed so hurt by her own choices.

"i don't want to be weak like my parents."
she finally spoke not looking at me
i stiffened.. did she feel weak for liking me?

"Wens.." yh big mistake. she seamlessly pulled a knife from seemingly thin air.. pointing it at her the tip of the blade just resting on my neck.
"I SAID DON'T CALL ME THAT" her face was red her eyes glazed with tears
id never heard wednesday go a few decibels above her usually monotonous voice
let alone shout..

"you arent weak.. youre the strongest and smartest person ive ever met and i grew up with a pack of roughhousing werewolf boys!
you're anything but weak you aren't your parents you're your own fucking person..
and along all that y-youre th-the most gorgeous g-girl i-ive ever seen in my life..

she lowered the knife somehow making it vanish once more without a trace
she was staring her eyes wide soft..

"its getting dark.. please let me have the honour of taking you on a date?" i said softly almost unsure of myself in the question..

Wednesday's POV 

it felt like a swarm of hornets had nested in my torso the fuzzy warm beats of their wings and the sting like ache of my black heart.
no not hornets. an intense fire making her hot her face burning against her will.
however this weakness felt nice..
i suppose Enid shall have to learn all over again why I'm not worth her time..

"I'm not suitable for a friend.. let alone something more you already know ill hurt you and mess everything up"

"thats a chance I'm willing to take" she spoke calmingly taking my hand in hers

"I'm condescending, narcissistic and cold..
i'll use you for my own gain.."
Enid didn't seem swayed.. looked slightly down to meet her eyes
"please" she gave her puppy eyed look she deep down could never say no too.

"okay whats this date you have in mind"

Enid didn't say anything.. just gave her that stupid smile.. and lead her through the woods on a narrow footpath
only now did i notice me hand wrapped in hers
it felt. warm.
safe even.. what a disgusting feeling..
fireflies buzzed around making enid smile and gasp in delight. the spiders crawled in her stomach..

eventually the path opened up into a clearing to town graveyard.
Wednesday had to admit she knew what she liked...
Enid led her eagerly to the a black and white picnic blanket layed on a spot between the finely designed tombstones candles lit to dimly light the surrounding area
she layed down on the blanket instructing wednesday to do the same she looked up to a sky filled with stars

though not believing in the superstitious nonsense of the zodiacs was quite familiar with her astrology

"you can see mars tonight, the planet named after the roman god of war" my hand pointed up at the slightly red star like dot on the south-easten section of the sky

she was too preoccupied by the star scattered sky to realise enid's gaze wasn't focused on the same
bit it didn't take long for her to feel her gaze on her face
"you are staring" i kept my eyes away from hers perhaps if i kept my eyes away i could avoid whatever which craft she was using to sway my black heart
alas it was no craft of her fault merely a family trait..

she took my hand in hers my stomach fizzing disgustingly with the feeling of a thousand scorpions
i suppose i could give into this feeling.. just one night.
i squeezed her hand back gently allowing the corners of hint a smile
she made me feel less like a walking corpse. of course i till look half dead a trained crimescene forensic thought I'd been dead for a few days.
i mean i felt warm around her. i felt happy. disgusting im aware..
i felt her head lean in my shoulder the graveyard peaceful as we lay there

Enid's pov

fuck its freezing out here i could feel my whole body shaking as i buried my face into the crook of her neck.
"Why are you shaking?"
"its fucking freezing out here wednesday"
she sat there for a moment before standing up before i could question anything she had draped her coat over my shoulders and sat and offered a hand to get up
"we should go back now. don't want you catching a cold is that okay?"
"one hundo"
"please don't say that" she sighed walking back to he dorm with not saying a word about her hand in mine the walk was quiet
too quiet
"sooooo.. did you enjoy our date?"
"and if i said i did i suppose you would use it as an object in your emotional blackmail"
"whaaattt nooooooo what makes you think that??"
she looked at my eyes as if trying to read the sarcastic note as a word in one of her books
"im gonna take that as a you very much enjoyed our date" i said smiling waiting for her to coldly shut it down as alway
"whatever you say amor" she mumbled as if to herself i chose to enjoy the moment this time instead of teasing
for now anyway

very sorry for the wait ive been at a friends and havent had much time to myself :)

bitter sweet (wednesday x Enid/wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now