2. Questions

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Out of the trees came at least three certainly huge creatures, at least two meters, they were like a wolf but much bigger, horrible and literally dark, with red eyes that looked into the soul and white plates that seemed to function as armor. it was too beautiful to be true.

"Ok....it was nice while it lasted" Fel said to himself.

Fel took a combat stance to face those creatures. he didn't hesitate the moment one of those things rushed up to him. Immediately Fel unsheathed his hand cannon, and it began to glow, soon to ignite in white flames, he opens fire and the shot is followed by a trail of white fire, the bullet disintegrates and pierces the first creature.

"At least the Light kills them" Fel mutters, before continuing to fight

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"At least the Light kills them" Fel mutters, before continuing to fight.

The second of those creatures tried to attack him with its claws, but he dodged the attack by rolling to the side, then he drew his dagger and it glowed with arc light, generating small electric rays, he quickly threw the dagger into its head, electrocuting the creature and killing it.

The third one tries to attack him from behind, when the creature makes the attack Fel double jumps over the creature, and shoots it in the air, disintegrating it, Fel falls to the ground with a small superhero landing.

"well that was easier than I thought" Fel said as he reloaded his revolver.

"a Fallen captain would have been harder" Alyssa replied.

"the boss or the normals?"


"....ok, let's go, I don't think anyone heard that."

Soon he began to hear something else approaching, it was not organic, rather, it was artificial, he heard what seemed to be thrusters, when he turned to see what was approaching he saw a gray airship, which was approaching the hunter until it began to descend.

The hatch of the aircraft opened, and the hunter was ready for anything, with his dagger in one hand and his hand cannon in the other, ready to fire.

However, he was surprised to see a woman, a rather beautiful one, with blonde hair and emerald eyes. She was wearing a skirt, glasses, black stockings, long black boots and a button-down blouse that covered her great...attributes, yes, that.

That woman approached Fel, but she looked serious.

"Who are you? Identify yourself."

Fel lowered the gun, seeing that she wasn't a threat, or at least, a huge one, but her civilian appearance didn't contrast with her attitude and facial expressions.

"I'm uhh...Felwinter, a pleasure, hehe" the boy, now called Felwinter, introduced himself in a way the woman didn't expect, she would think he was a hunter due to his armor and weapons.

"Let's just say...I'm kind of lost in this forest and I had to face some...uhh..."

"Grimm" Alyssa said to Fel through her helmet.

"Grimm, Beowolves, I think" Fel said as Alyssa showed him through her helmet the different types of Grimm, including the ones he fought a few moments ago.

"Where are you from? Atlas?" the woman kept questioning him.

"ummm, no, it seems but no, actually...well, let's just say I need help, it's very complicated to explain, but-"

"Very well, maybe we could go somewhere else before more Grimm come, there you can explain your situation."

"She understood very quickly, how convenient" He thought.

"Sounds good to me" Fel said.


The trip was short and calm, Fel did not say anything, since he was analyzing all the information that his AI, Alyssa, was showing him through his helmet, it was limited information though, since he still had to connect Alyssa to an access terminal or a computer so that she could access all the data about that planet, meanwhile the blonde woman examined with intrigue Fel's armor, wondering if he was not some atlas hunter with memory loss, or something else.

Upon arrival Fel noticed that they were arriving at a structure that appeared to be a castle, the architecture was something Fel recognized from the old Earth, it was modern but at the same time resembled those towers of yesteryear. As they landed the bespectacled woman and Fel got out of the airship.

"Follow me, please."

The armored individual nodded, and began to follow the blonde woman at a decent distance, he couldn't help but look around, he liked the view, he found it interesting.

They continued walking to the inside of the school, walking down the hallways until they reached an elevator, taking it up and arriving at where the tower of the place was. Opening the door, the view was of a huge space whose ceiling revealed a sort of huge gears moving in sync, he saw on the other side a desk a white haired man at it.

"Glynda, I see you have brought the boy who fell in the Emerald Forest" the man said.

"That's right, Professor Ozpin," replied the woman named Glynda Goodwitch calmly.

"And tell me, who are you? or do you prefer "You"?

"I am young yet, the former is fine" Fel said to step forward "I am Guardian Felwinter, of the Origin System".

"I'm afraid to say I haven't the slightest idea what that is, besides, 'Guardian'?"

"That's part of what I wanted to explain, I need your help, Professor Ozpin" the young man said almost bluntly.

"And for what, exactly?"

"To get back to my home, let's just say...I'm not from around here."

"Oh no? Are you from Atlas?" asked Ozpin.

"No, nor of the existing kingdoms, I'm from another world."

Glynda didn't believe what Fel was saying, maybe he was just a liar, she was about to say something when the white haired man answered.

"another world? like, outside of this one?"

"beyond, when I tried to return to my world, I simply couldn't, I couldn't generate enough energy to open a stable portal."

"How can you prove to us that you are an otherworldly being? If you prove it to us, maybe we can help you."

"very well, with pleasure, how about, if I tell you about my world, and then you tell me about this one?"

they both liked the idea, so they agreed, and Fel just nodded.

Then, for the next two hours Fel showed Ozpin and Glynda the world where he came from, with the help of Alyssa, who projected images about Fel's world, and his story.

(let's say that technically it's Destiny's story but mixed with my own elements, elements from Warframe and so on, and in general, one of those roleplays that takes you weeks to synthesize, I tried and failed miserably)

he explained the basics of the world he was from, he explained that a massive spherical entity known as the Traveler came to his solar system, and changed everything, huge cities were created on different planets, garden worlds, previously uninhabitable planets, he explained how he improved people, to the point that human life span tripled, for them it was a very nice story but it was too nice for it to end there.

then, he also explained how an ancient enemy of the Traveler, the Darkness, or rather, the Pyramids, came to threaten the stability of the origin system, and that humanity along with another race that seemed to come from the Sun, and some mysterious beings known as "Keepers" fought to eradicate the Darkness, this event was known as the Great War, the end of this war left irreversible consequences throughout the system, turning the Earth into an uninhabitable place for the most part, and ending with much of humanity, and causing the disappearance of those mysterious beings and that race that came literally from the stars, then went on to describe the events of the Dark Age, and then the City Age, how the Traveler created the Ghosts, and how they choose people to become "Guardians" who were chosen to fight for humanity, and many other things, that if you play Destiny you will get an idea of what is going on now, for those who read and play, Fel comes from the time of Beyond Light, shortly before the events of the Witch Queen.

Both Glynda and Ozpin were surprised by such a story, and to make clear what he was saying Alyssa showed videos recorded in his helmet, both of the Traveler, as well as some of the feats Fel did to save the solar system.

"....so, I was...traveling between dimensions, and something happened, like some kind of energy spike that pulled me out of between dimensions, and I ended up falling here."

"Well...it's certainly a pretty incredible story" Ozpin commented.

Glynda for her part didn't have much to say. But she felt that this boy was hiding something, despite everything he told them.

"Still...I'm sorry...but I don't see how I can help you get back to your world" Ozpin said with some sympathy.

Fel looked down at the ground, his helmet didn't let him notice but he was really sad.

"...How old are you?"


Glynda's eyes widened a little, someone so young had done so much for a world, no, an entire solar system?

(Glynda, you'd be surprised)

"hmmm, I was thinking...while you're here I could give you a chance to become a Huntsman" Ozpin mentioned.


"Because in a way Huntsman and Guardians are not very different. They both have a duty to protect humanity, they are the best warriors there are. While we find a way for you to return to your world at least you would have a place to stay, a place to sleep and a place to eat."

It didn't sound like a bad idea, he could learn from this world while looking for a way to return to his own, and maybe he could do something to improve it.

"Well, we have a deal."

"Perfect, I have to say that the rules for those who will take the entrance test will be the same for you, whether you are a legend or not. The test will start tomorrow, where you will have to be ready to fight, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon all the applicants must go to the amphitheater."

"Sounds good to me, thank you very much, for now I would like to take a tour of the academy to, you know, get to know the place, if I may" said Fel.

"Go ahead, you are free to do so."

Fel nodded, turned around and headed for the elevator, where he entered and used it.

"A space legend...who knew?" said Glynda sighing.

"This should be interesting." Ozpin commented.

(Alright alright alright, the second chapter of the translation of my story attempt is now live! If someone reads beyond the first chapter, or someone at least opens the story I would like and appreciate feedback, as I am still learning english and i'd like suggestions, corrections and such, also i'd like your opinions on the story, of Fel mostly, since he at first glance seems to be one of those gary stues, cringy oc's but no, no no no, this boy's way better than that, I mean, at least he has weaknesses and has an actual past)

(This is the Keeper Airwind, signing off)

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