Lose Yourself to Dance

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"I wanted to thank you all for everything you have done for my wedding. A bride couldn't have asked for better bridesmaids," Regina said, looking at each member of her bridal party. "I'm sorry that the wedding will not be going forward."

Mal Draco shook her head. "You have nothing to apologize for. Sidney is an asshole, if you ask me."

"I have to agree," Ursula Atlantica said, nodding. "He really just expected you to uproot your entire life because he snapped his fingers and said so? Please. I think you dodged a bullet there, Mills."

Mary Margaret Nolan reached out and took Regina's hand. "We just want you to be happy and it's clear now that Sidney wasn't going to make you happy."

"He was just focused on what would make him happy," Mal added.

"I think back to all the planning for the wedding and how he kept deferring to me," Regina said. "I thought he was just being unselfish but now I realize he just didn't care. It makes me wonder if he really wanted to marry me at all."

Ursula leaned forward and placed her hand on Regina's shoulder. "Don't go down that rabbit hole. It will only drive you crazy."

Mal nodded. "Just focus on moving on and living your best life. Don't give that jerk another thought. He's not worth it."

"You'll find someone who treats you the way you deserve and who will want to build a life with you and not treat you like an afterthought," Ursula added. "And then we can try to have this Christmas wedding again."

"I hope so," Regina said, "though I don't feel like dating again for a while now."

Mal nodded. "Good. Be single. Live a little. Who needs a man? Certainly not you."

"Who knows? You might meet Mr. Right when you're least expecting him," Ursula said.

"Probably not for a while," Regina replied. "But I'll keep that in mind and thank you. I really do have the best bridesmaids ever."

"Yeah, you do," Mal agreed.

Regina laughed as her phone buzzed. She flipped it over as her stomach twisted, both hoping and dreading that it was Sidney - not that he had tried to reach out to her after their dinner. Either he took her at her word or was waiting for her to cool down. Regina hoped it was the former but feared it was the latter.

Instead, it was a reminder for her first dance lesson and her heart sank. She had canceled almost everything but those. Regina hoped she wouldn't break little Roland's heart when she did so. After all, it was not his fault she didn't need the lessons anymore.

"Please tell me that's not Sidney," Ursula said, sounding annoyed. "If he's trying to grovel..."

"Give me the phone," Mal said, reaching out for Regina's phone. "I'll tell him what he can do with his groveling."

Regina swatted her friend's hand away. "It's not that. It's a reminder that I have a dance lesson soon."

"Dance lesson?" Mary Margaret asked. "I didn't know you were taking up dancing."

"They were supposed to be for me and Sidney so we wouldn't look like fools during our first dance," Regina said, her stomach twisting into knots. "Would you mind if I called to cancel?"

Her friends shook their heads and she thanked them as she called the studio. It rang and rang and rang, making her frown. "No one is answering," she said.

"Teachers probably double as the receptionist and so can't answer when they're teaching," Mary Margaret said. "You can try again later."

"It's on my way home," Regina replied, confirming the address. "I can just stop by and cancel."

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