Do You Hear a Waltz?

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Disclaimer: Based on the Hallmark Channel movie of the same name with some liberties taken, of course. Enjoy!

The music started soft and slow, an instrumental of a Christmas song. Fake snow drifted down toward the stage as the man clad in a red suit took the hand of a beautiful woman dressed in a red gown. He placed his hand on her waist while she rested hers on his shoulder. Their free hands were clasped as they started to glide across the stage, the music growing louder as they danced amongst the snowflakes.

As the music soared, the man twirled the woman as they crossed the stage. Her skirts billowed around her before they parted, back-to-back. They turned and faced each other again, grabbing hands while bringing their other arms down in graceful arcs. He pulled her back toward him before moving backwards, dragging her behind him as she bent one leg and kept the other straight.

It was breathtaking. And it would certainly give everyone at their wedding something to talk about until next Christmas, something her mother no doubt would love while Regina would get a chance to dance again.

She missed dancing.


Closing her laptop, Regina looked up to find her assistant Tink standing in the door to her office. The petite blonde entered and handed her some paperwork. "This came over the fax for you regarding the McHatter account. And you have your lunch meeting in fifteen minutes."

Regina caught sight of the time and her heart skipped a bit. "Thank you for the reminder. I'll be back later and then we can tackle the McHatter account."

"Sounds good," Tink said. "So what is this meeting about?"

"Sidney and I are hopefully going to pick out a cake for our wedding today," she said, standing and grabbing her coat. "Wish us luck."

Tink crossed her fingers on both hands before asking: "Can you bring me a slice, please?"

Regina laughed as she picked up her bag. "Absolutely. You definitely deserve it. I don't know what I would do with you."

"Oh, I'm sure you would manage," Tink replied. She then smiled. "But I appreciate the compliment."

"It's well deserved," Regina assured her. She then took a deep breath. "I'll be back."

Tink wished her luck again before Regina headed down the hallway to the elevator. As she pressed the call button, she pulled out of her phone and sent a quick text to Sidney to make sure he was on his way as well. The elevator dinged as her phone buzzed and she stepped onto the elevator as she read Sidney's message assuring her he had just left the office. She breathed a sigh of relief, glad there were no unforeseen complications.

She stepped into the lobby and crossed to the door, ready to pick out her wedding cake. They only had three weeks left and everything needed to be perfect for their Christmas wedding. After all, it was the start of hers and Sidney's new life together. They certainly wanted to get off on the right foot.

Nothing could go wrong.


"I'm sorry," the baker said, glancing over Regina's head. "But we have a few other appointments today. You're either need to make a decision or reschedule for another day. Maybe that would be better for your fiancé?"

Annoyance flared through Regina as she looked over the couch she sat on, watching as Sidney paced several feet away as he talked to someone on the phone. She knew it was his work and it was important but so was their wedding. Certainly he could tell the office to give him at least fifteen minutes to help her choose her cake.

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