Hero Today And For A Week

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MePhone, MePad, and Toilet quickly ran to the bathroom so that MePhone could tell them what he was sensing.

MePad: Sir. What's going on?

MePhone4: I'm sensing something. I don't know what it is, but I think it has to do with Cobs this time.

MePad: Hmmm. Let me check at the lab.

*MePad teleports to Meeple Headquarters to see what was going on. He sees that Cobs was talking to someone.*

Steve Cobs: MePhone5! I have a very important task for you to do.

MePad: (Gasp)

*MePad teleports back to the bathroom.*

MePhone4: Well! What's Going On!?

MePad: He's sending another MePhone to get us!

MePhone4: WHAT!!!

Toilet: Sir. What do we-

MePhone4: I Can't Go Through This Again!! I Wasn't Prepared For The Last Time He Sent Someone To Get Me!! I'm Going To End Up Skipping School!! Maybe Move Somewhere Else If He Finds Out Where I Live!! I'm Gonna Have To Move To A Different Planet!! I DON'T WANT TO RUN AWAY AGAIN!!

*Toilet slaps him.*


MePad: Sir. We need to stay calm about this. And we are prepared for this. We have the power to stop them from getting in our way.

MePhone4: Right..... Our superhero persona.

Toilet: So what do we do?

MePhone4: Well. I say that once he gets here, we go and we stay in our superhero personas. Just so they won't find us.

Toilet: Sweet. No school.

MePhone4: So guys. It's time to turn into MasterPhone4!!

MePad: MyrmidonPad!!

Toilet: And Toiletkinetic!!

*It's now the end of school for our youngsters. Lightbulb was about to get on the bus. But noticed that Paintbrush nor Nickel didn't go towards the bus.*

Lightbulb: What's going on?

*Lightbulb didn't go to the bus and went to see what was going on.*

OJ: What's she doing?

Taco: I don't care that much to know.

Pickle: So what's this new place you're moving to next week?

Taco: Oh. You mean the house I'll live by the beach in Costa Rica. Yeah it's pretty great.

OJ: Well I wish you luck at your new home.

Pickle: Yeah. Me too.

Taco: Wait. That's all you have to say?

Pickle: Yep.

OJ: Pretty much.

Taco: Oh. I see.

*Lightbulb goes to see what Nickel and Paintbrush are doing.*

Nickel: Yeah supposedly this school has all the smart kids. Which I'm not sure how to feel.

Paintbrush: At least your school might not be full of snobs like the one I have to go to.

Lightbulb: Nickel! Paintbrush! What are you doing out here? How come you're not getting on the bus?

Paintbrush: Oh Lightbulb. It's just-

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