Move To The News

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There's two weeks left of school. And our youngsters were enjoying their time before their summer break. Right now Lightbulb, Test Tube, and Fan were playing pirates with the toy chest that was in the middle of the room.

Lightbulb: Argh! You Will Never Take Me Treasure!!

Fan: No One Takes Our Loot!!

Silver Spoon: Come On You Brainless Simpletons!! I Want To Play With The Toy Castle!!!

Test Tube: Argh!! Seems Like We Have A ScallyWag Over Here!!

Silver Spoon: I Swear You Are Some Bl-

Candle: Alright I think the reading corner will help us out.

*Candle and Silver Spoon leave.*

Lightbulb: Oh boy. I love playing pirates. Just wish Painty was here.

Test Tube: That's strange. They've never been this late to school before.

Fan: Well technically they have. But they usually tell us why they would come late. Specifically if they had a dentist appointment.

Lightbulb: Yeah. Where could they be?

Test Tube: Look. There they are.

*They see Paintbrush walking inside with their gameboy that they had with them. They were walking towards them.*

Fan: Paintbrush! You Came Just In Time To Play Pirates With Us!!

*But Paintbrush ignored them and walked past them.*

Fan: How rude!

*Test Tube and Lightbulb were confused about this. They see Paintbrush sitting by the corner by themselves. The three of them walked towards them to see what was going on with them.*

Test Tube: Umm Paintbrush.

Paintbrush: What's that now?

Test Tube: What gives?

Lightbulb: Yeah we were waiting for you to play pirates with us.

Fan: We even made you our captain.

Paintbrush: Oh sorry guys. But I kind of don't want to play today.

Lightbulb: Oh. Ok. We can just sit here then.

*They sit down with them.*

Paintbrush: Um. Guys. I kinda want to be alone today.

Fan: Alone? But we always do things together.

Paintbrush: Yeah well. I just think sometimes we need our space. And I need my space now. And probably for the next two weeks.

Test Tube: But that's when we're done with school.

Paintbrush: Guys look!! I just want to be alone for a while! Now can I have that? Please.

Lightbulb: (Sigh) Ok.

*Lightbulb, Test Tube, and Fan get up and leave them alone.*

Fan: Really!!? We're Doing This!!? Are We Seriously Doing This Again!!!

Test Tube: I don't think it's like that.

Lightbulb: But I am worried. Why do they want to be alone? Did we do something wrong?

Test Tube: Well maybe something might have happened that they don't want to tell us.

Lightbulb: But they usually tell us if something happened. I don't get why they won't tell us.

Fan: Well I hope they spill soon! I want to go back to playing pirates with a leader!!

Lightbulb: Yeah. Let's just go and play house or something.

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