14. He almost did

Start from the beginning

Two months passed, no letter, nothing.
Harry stopped going outside of his house, he isolated himself.
What was the point of roaming around the streets knowing that he'd return to a empty house every time?
He couldn't bring himself to sleep all eight hours, he couldn't. He had to have the constant reminder in the middle of his chest, making him know that Draco was alive.

It was the middle of the second month when Harry was on the verge of not getting out of bed at all, Draco came back.
Harry was so happy he couldn't believe a person could feel that kind of happiness.

But that happiness was short lived, when he pulled away from the suffocating hug, he saw Dracos face.
He was bruised, his arm seemed like it had been broken a few times.
Draco looked so Beaten up, it made Harry want to cry.
So he did.

Harry cried in Dracos arms, telling him how much he missed Draco, asking him if he was okay.

" hey, I'm okay Hare. Don't worry about me being too much. I love you." Draco had spoken.
"I love you too, you're here now, now we can stay together everyday and I can cook delicious food for you, everything you love." Harry smiled through his tears as he snuggled even harder against Draco, taking in his mint-vanilla scent.
Everything had seemed fine but his voice went down a octave.
"I have to leave in a few minutes."
Harry's heart broke again.
He never knew a heart could break so hard.
Or maybe he had known, but he didn't care.

" I had to pull a lot of strings to come see you, but I can't again, for a long time. Some people are after me because I helped capture their leader. They have become... murderous. I can't stay too long because they might track me here."
Harry couldn't hear anything, his mind couldn't process what was happening.
Not couldn't. It didn't want to process the fact that Draco was leaving again.

But he had to do this for him.
Harry couldn't live with himself if he became selfish and stop Draco from making a career harry himself had rejected.

Harry took in a deep breath and bit back his tears, he looked Draco in the eye and told him he loved him, he told Draco that he'd miss him and that he understood.

Harry started into a space on his bed as Draco apparated away.

After another month, Harry contacted Hermonie.

They had reconciled after they'd left together to find the horcruxes.

But Ron had not taken the news of Harry and Draco being together, he was religious, traditional and the mere thought disgusted him, so he broke their friendship.
Monie was stuck in between, she couldn't possibly schooled between her best friends, so Harry did what Harry alway did.
He couldn't be selfish.
So he took himself out of the equation.
Right now? He needed a friend to talk to.
He had to feel better.
So he wrote a letter to Hermonie.
She replied instantly, saying he was happy he'd written to her.
She said that she would come to him and help him through whatever he was going through.
And she did.
Hermonie had become one of the best mind healers in the whole wizarding world.

Even the biggest most influential wizards and witches had to wait on a waiting list which was longer than Snape's nose which he stuck in every damn thing every time.
Harry chucked a little when he remembered the time the marauders map had called Snape out on his nosiness.

Two month after that, Harry had started to feel better.
He still missed Draco, but he didn't let himself wither away.
He worked on himself.
Hermonie moved in for a while so that Harry didn't feel alone.
He watched movies he liked, he made food he enjoyed, he hung out with his friends, went on shopping sprees.
He waited for Draco to return, he counted the days, but he waited.
He didnt date, he didn't kiss anyone else.
He waited for the love of his life to return.
Harry realised year had passed, and it had been nine or some months since he'd seen Draco.
But it was amazing how he still felt the tug in him, making him smile.
He knew it was Draco telling him he was there.
That he loved him.
And Harry loved him too.
Harry loved Draco way too much for his own good, but he couldn't help it.
He just couldn't.
That was precisely why, one night when he was sleeping, he suddenly jumped awake, his body was on first one second and the other he felt it.
It felt the bond break.
It was like his chest had been cut open.
Harry screamed as tears covered his face.
The physical pain went away.
But the mental pain didn't.
Harry knew what had happened.
There was only one explanation that entered Harry's head.
Draco was dead.
"He- he dead." Harry mumbled as he cried so hard his face tuned crimson.
He got up and started trashing his room.
He screamed and broke everything.
He broke the frames, he ripped off the curtains, he broke the cupboards.

But the pain didn't go away.
"No no no no no no" he kept mumbling in a chant, "he's dead. He's dead. No no no. Please no." He cried harder and harder.
His tears didn't stop.

e was falling, so hard that he wished he'd hit the ground.
But he couldn't feel that relief.

Anyone who said that heartbreak made you feel empty was fucking wrong.
This heartache was full enough to make Harry want to jump off the balcony.

Harry suddenly stopped, his eyes fell on the door to the balcony.
He could.
He wanted to.
He did.
He almost did.
If it wasn't for Hermonie who ran upstairs and pulled Harry back before he'd killed himself, Harry would have died.

"Harry! What the hell are you doing?! What happened! Please don't do this again. You don't deserve to die! Not by death eaters nor by Voldemort and especially not by yourself!"

"What Harry? Tell me, what happened?"
"He's dead." Harry's voice was so dark as if it were of a dead body.

"Who's dead?"

"Him. D-Draco. I felt him leave. He's dead. The bond broke when he died."

"What.." she mumbled, unable to process the information.

In a room of silence where only the sound of the wishing of air was to be heart, Harry stood, no emotion on his face as he spoke with a clear loud and strong voice for the last time.

"He is Dead. Draco is dead."


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