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The next morning I went to my office. It was a same typical day. Soo Jae was looking for Lee Yoon Ah and Kang Tae Suk. His plan was to arrest Tae Suk as soon as possible so keep him away from Yoon Ah and he was a person with many criminal records in the past as well.

I pressed the elevator's button to call it down, waited for a few seconds and got in. As the door was about to close, someone stop it by stepping their foot in the elevator's boundary. I saw somebody's pretty white heel with a crystal bow on one side. Someone got in. To my amazement, I saw a beautiful, young lady entering in, whom I've never seen in the firm before. She had decent purple hair down her shoulders and light bangs up her forehead. Her round Vincent glasses made her look so sweet and cute that I almost blurted 'you're beautiful!' The way she stopped the elevator, it seemed that she might be someone with a cold personality, but she was very humble and kind. She greeted me shyly like all other new staff would do.

"Hi!" she started shyly.

"Oh! Hello!" I smiled even brighter. "You're new here, I presume?"

"Yes! It's my first day here!" she pushed her glasses close to her eyes by its bridge and smiled.

"As...?" I asked.

"An attorney!" she replied.

"Oh! We're the same class!" I extended my hand out for a high-five. I wanted to make a comfortable environment around her so that she doesn't get flustered.

"Well, as it's your first day today and as the head attorney, I'll be giving you your first job as well as the tour of the firm." I stated friendly.

"Thank you, Mr....?" she asked my name.

"Woo Yeon! I am Yang Woo Yeon. Pleasure meeting you!"

"I am Jeong Chan! Good to see you too!" she smiled.

The elevator's door opened and I lead her out and made her familiar with everyone around and all the places.

Jeong Chan sat on her desk and tapped it. "Finally!" she sighed.

"Looks like you really wanted to have a desk of your own." I smiled.

"Heh!" she smirked proudly. "I did, but I had to wait for the perfect time and order to achieve my target."

"Okay! So, you're first case should be...? Yup! The hot topic on the news these days." I raised my eyebrows.

"The consecutive murders?" she guessed. I nodded.

"But aren't you an attorney? Who are you fighting these cases for? Or is it Ji Rin?" she scoffed.

"No! No! Absolutely not. I'm not in the favor of the victims anyway." I justified myself. "Actually, my friend is in the police and is in charge of solving these cases, I'm just helping him out."

"Why are you not? I mean everyone out there hates the murderer because he's killing innocent people." She got curious.

"Well they are unaware if the truth." I smiled.

"What is the truth?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

"Follow me to my office, I'll give you the case files, study them and know the truth." I specified.

"How come only you and the police know the truth?" she asked following me happily.

"Because I'm working on this case with the police, who are the police."

"Of course." She clenched her teeth.

It took Jeong Chan quite a few days tocompletely study the cases. She talked a lot and was completely clueless. Shewas confident and bold but had no idea about crime cases as it was her first time doing her job. She was still intellectual and hypothetical.

A few days later, Soo Jae got a trace of Tae Suk; the robber who used to rob Yoon Ah.

"Where is he?" I asked Soo Jae at dinner the day he found a clue about him.

"The last time he was seen on camera was outside a grocery store, stealing from a lady." Replied Soo Jae. "My team has eyes on his location and they'll inform me when they get a proper signal."

Coincidentally, Soo Jae's phone rang, it was his team. He answered the call.

"They've got eyes on Tae Suk, I'm going there now!" he said in a hurry and stood, leaving his dishes in the dish washer.

"I'll come with you!" I said leaving too, but he stopped me because he wanted me to stay back and go alone. I begged him but he didn't listen. He said 'the less people the better' and left. I stayed back and waited.

Soo Jae's side

For some reason Soo Jae thought that he is next on Yoon Ah's 'kill list'. He did not remember meeting her ever before but he had this feeling that she must've come to him for help and he refused.

Soo Jae's team just followed Tae Suk to aconvenience store and now he was leaving towards an alley. It was nearby so hegot there on time. Soo Jae along with his team followed Tae Suk till he reached around a jungle stopped there for a smoke. There were total seven people in Soo Jae's team including him. When they were close enough to catch Tae Suk, they heard a scream in the jungle. The others went in the jungle to check the situation and Soo Jae caught Tae Suk. He instantly handcuffed him and took him around the corner where they parked the car.

Soo Jae was about to make Tae Suk sit in the car, they both heard something behind them and looked back. As Tae Suk was in front of Soo Jae, he faced the source of sound. Somebody was opposite to him, they sliced a knife across his throat and killed him. Before Soo Jae could take any action, the killer got behind him and stabbed him on the right upper side of his waist. In order to prevent him from falling, the killer with an extremely strong force, held him by his arm and side by side rotated the blade inside his body 360 degrees and whispered in his ear.

"You know why I am letting you live when I killed all of the others?" It was a women's voice. Soo Jae was not able to see before as she was wearing a black hoodie with her hair covered. He was sure that it was Yoon Ah.

"Because tonight I'll take my revenge, I'll take hers by killing you another day, just like you killed her." she whispered, left the blade inside him, laughed maniacally and vanished away like smoke in the air.

Soo Jae started a signal to call his mates back. He was in my senses when they came, so he told them to take him back to his apartment instead of the hospital. They did as they were told. 

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