Have my soul, mate!

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[Martha and Matt are in the back of a big white van talking to each other. Everyone has been told to stay quiet. But they're some cheeky little rebels.]

Matt: Do you think what we're getting into is logical and will not kill us?
Martha: I'm damn sure that's not the case! [Wink]

[Harry comes in]

Harry: The fuck did I tell all of you bastards to do. I want SILENCE.
Matt: Daddy, chill.
Harry: Don't fucking call me that.

[The van comes to a stop.]

Harry: [Shift in tone] Alright, boys and girls. We're here!

[Everyone cheers. Once they all leave the van. Harry looks at one of the security gaurds who was driving the van.]

Harry: I will be here for 3 hours. Do not fucking move 'til I come back. Got It?
The Gaurds: [In unison] Yes, sir.

[Harry leaves the van. The place they're at seems abandoned. Everything about it seems off. Far in the distance there is a stone platform covered in moss. Harry gestures for the van to go park somewhere else. Away from the wilderness they're standing in. He goes up to The Fans.]

Harry: Yeah, so-
Debra: Harry, where are we?
Natalie: Are you gonna kill us? [Seductively] Don't make it quick.
Harry: Ew no, just do as I say and everything shall be nice and dandy. Follow me, bitches!

[Harry steps in front of all of them. They voyage along with the narrow pathway, the only one in the forest, that lead to the stone platform.]

Matt: This is sketchy as shit!
Martha: I know.

[They reach the stone platform. Harry motions all of them to come on to the platform.]

Harry: Now, all of you. Sit in a circle in the center of this platform.
Debra: What the fuck is this place, Harry?
Harry: Shut up and do as I say. And what was his name, the guy in this group.
Matt: It's Matt!
Harry: Yeah, you. Come here.

[Matt walks up to Harry.]

Harry: I want you to sit in the middle of the circle and you will not repeat after me when I ask everyone to repeat stuff after me, got it?
Matt: Uh... okay?
Harry: Go now.
Matt: Alright.

[The group was already sitting in a circle around the star that was in the middle of the platform. Matt made his way from in between the people and sat in the middle. Harry was standing a little further away on a small levitated stage parallel to the star in the middle.]

Harry: Matt, I need you to face me.

[Matt adjusts his position.]

Harry: Now, all of you part of the circle. Hold each other's hands and look up at the sky.

[They all do as said]

Harry: Repeat after me, I,
Everyone (except Matt): I
Harry: A spec in this vastness.
Everyone: A spec in this vastness.
Harry: Would like to call upon the greatest,
Everyone: Would like to call upon the greatest,
Harry: highest source of power and faith.
Everyone: highest source of power and faith.
Harry: To bestow upon us and take our restless souls with you.
Everyone: To take our restless souls with you.
Harry: For we find reason in being the slaves of you and we forever shall remain as such.
Everyone: For we find reason in being the slaves of you and we forever shall remain as such.
Harry: Saluatoris mei partem esse volo, Harry Styles.
Everyone: Slauatoris mei partem esse volo, Harry Styles.

[Soon as they say that, a loud thunder strikes in the sky. Clouds shadow over the scorching sun. Everything goes quiet after the thunder dies down but a second thunder breaks the silence.]


[A lighting bolt strikes on the stone platform. Everyone who was sitting around Matt is now up in flames. Matt's eyes go white and he gets lifted from the ground. He moves forward, to where Harry was standing. He is brought back down again by the same supernatural forces. He stands on one knee, head down in front of Harry.]

Matt: I'm yours, Domine.
Harry: I call you, Ackleigh.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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