I totally fucking love Harry Styles

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|A/N: Again, it's all a joke. This is satire. Do not come for me or my life.🤠|

[It's the Love On concert. Harry's playing his last song. A cover of Toxic by Britney Spears. Harry takes his shirt off. The crowds try to squeeze in at the front. The song ends. Harry begins his speech.]

Harry: Alright now, I would like some fans to come with me backstage.

[Soon as he says that, near 50 people try to make their way on to the stage. The security gaurd push them down but 13 somehow managed to get on the actual stage. The security gaurd tries to make them leave the stage, by force, of course but Harry intervenes.]

Harry: 10 people can stay. Only 10 people, no more than that.

[The security gaurd sends three back. They look devastated. The ten are escorted to the backstage. They've been asked to take seat in the dressing room and have been told that Harry will meet them. All of them look really excited, as they should be.]

A guy: I'm so excited to see him.
A girl: I'm gonna cry.
A guy: We're gonna get away from here, don't worry.

[Harry enters. All of them scream.]

Harry: Calm down, all of you.
The Guy: [whispering] He doesn't sound sweet, is he sick?
The Girl: [whispering] I don't know.
Harry: [changes tone] I'm taking all of you somewhere.
A Girl: Oh my god?!?! Is it the premiere of your next music video?!?
Harry: [annoyed] No. And don't cut me off again. [Another shift in tone] Before we go there, I wanna ask you. Do you all love me?

[Everyone screams YES]

Harry: Good. Now before we go to this secret place, please state all of your names.

[There is only a guy in the group. The rest are girls.
The Guy: Matt Wilson
The Girl: Martha Stewart
Girl 2: Debra Wickham
Girl 3: Stacy Williams
Girl 4: Goor Abraham
Girl 5: Natalie Portman
Girl 6: Baarmoederhals
Girl 7: Zelfmoord
Girl 8: Mattie Westbrook]

Harry: Let's fucking go now!

[Everyone Cheers]

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