chapter 15

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"After waking up I went up and played Frogger with Jayy, but I fell asleep on his bed. Then I woke up just a little bit ago and came down."

He nodded. Okay, so he wasn't mad, that was good. I scooted up closer and started to play with his shirt nervously, "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Um, sure."

"Cool, I'll go make some popcorn" with that said, I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. I looked through the cabinets in search for the popcorn and after finding some, I tore off the plastic and tossed it into the microwave. I leaned up against the counter as I waited for it to be done and thought. So Kyle wasn't mad. But what if Jayy did what he did in my dream? I shuddered at the thought, Kyle wouldn't kill his best friend, for me, would he? No, I hope not.

The microwave beeped, making me jump. I pushed away my thoughts and took out the bag of popcorn, shaking it before dumping it into a bowl and adding salt. After throwing the bag away I grabbed the bowl and walked back into the living room. Kyle was standing by the t.v, putting in a disc.

"I didn't know what you wanted to watch so I just put in this" He said, turning around and heading for the couch. He plopped down and patted the empty space beside him but I ignored the gesture and sat on the chair in the corner. He pouted, "Come sit over here."

I shook my head, "You're too warm, I'll fall asleep" I replied, setting the bowl of popcorn between us on the floor.

"You wouldn't on this one" He argued.

I raised an eyebrow, "What movie is this?"

"It's a secret, now get over here." He pointed down to the empty space.

I rolled my eyes and hung my legs over the armrest of the chair. I wasn't going anywhere. Kyle made a 'humph' sound and then turned around on the couch to lay down. He picked up the remote and turned on the t.v. After all the previews and trailers had passed, the disc made a scratchy sound and then stopped at the menu screen.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at the screen to read the title. Saw. That didn't seem too scary, although I guess saws could be scary. But really it all depended on the saw, I mean, there's a saw on Handy Manny is there not?

Kyle started the movie and then set the remote on the floor, grabbing some popcorn before bringing his hand back up. I cleared all the thoughts from my head and payed attention to the movie. After about ten minutes in, it was clear that I definitely wasn't going to fall asleep.

A Little While Later..........

My eyes twitched a little as the ending credits rolled along on the screen. Was that really it? That movie was fantastic! It turned out, that the movie actually wasn't about saws at all, it was about this cool guy who tests people on their will to survive.

I picked the remote off the floor and turned of the t.v. The popcorn was now completely gone and I was slightly drowsy. I didn't want to go to sleep after that horrible nightmare, but I suppose that if I fell asleep I couldn't help it.

Kyle sat up and turned around to face me, a tired expression pasted onto his face. "Do you wanna go up to bed?" He asked. No. I do not.

"Yeah" I lied, forcing out a yawn. "Huh," I said in a 'I never knew that' tone.

"What's that?" Kyle asked, resting his head on his hand which was propped up by his elbow on his knee.

"Yawning makes you tired."

He gave me a confused look.

"That is all." I informed him. It was strange, I was tired now.

He let out a small chuckle and then stood up groggily. Then he walked over to me and picked me up. This, for some reason stranger than the fact that I was tired, made me even more sleepy.

Kyle still carried me as he made his way up the stairs. I had missed most of the trip due to my drifting in and out of consciousness. But soon I fell asleep and didn't wake up again to know where I was now.

(Jayy's POV)

Mary stood adjacent to me and across from Kyle with a scowl. "How could you do that Kyle?!" She yelled, tears slowly forming at her eyes.

Kyle said nothing. Mary's hand shot away from her side and struck Kyle's face, "Are you going to answer me?! No. You know what? Don't. I'm out of here!" With that she stormed off out the kitchen door that lead to outside.

I saw Kyle had teared up eyes as well but he just stood there, stunned. I frowned and got up in his face. "How could you do that man?! She hates you now!" With that said I stormed out after Mary, leaving Kyle to feel like the horrible person he was.

Closing the door behind me, I stepped out and looked for Mary. Unfortunately, she wasn't anywhere on the deck, so I would have to look for her down there. I wasn't worried about me or anything, but for her. It was hard to let her go outside after all the snake bites.

I walked down the steps and to the grass at the bottom, glancing all around me for her. Fear struck through me when I heard her voice. Her scream. I pivoted to the other direction and nearly fell back at the sight of Mary, bleeding from hundreds of snakebites, crying her eyes out.

I snapped awake and litterally jumped out of my chair with a swear. I wiped my sweaty forehead, "Just a dream" I said. My memory caught up to me and I whispered a profanity, I was going to wake up Mary. I looked to my bed and frowned, she wasn't there. Where'd she go? I calmed down, probably the bathroom or something like that.  A smirk crossed my face and I got an idea. I ran up to my bed and hopped on, wrapping myself in my blankets and taking in her scent. Maybe if I was lucky she wouldn't care and just sneak in next to me. I blushed at the thought. It was sad how much I liked her. Maybe even love, I don't know, I've never been in love. Oh well, I thought and went back to sleep.


I know, slightly crappy ending. Oh well, I liked it. How 'bout you? Right now I'm listening to I'm so Sick by Flyleaf so I'll just put that as the song for today. :)

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