Part 4

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We rushed into the Professor's cell and Caspian shook him awake, "Five more minutes?" he said to the Professor.

"What are you doing here? ... I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here," said the professor.

"He'll learn soon enough," I explained,

"We are giving him your cell," Caspian continued. We started running before the Professor grabbed our arms,

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did!" He warned,

"What are you talking about?" said Caspian,

"I don't understand," I said looking at the professor's tired eyes.

"I'm sorry," the professor sighed. Something clicked in mine and Caspian's brains we looked at each other before we ran toward Miraz' chambers. We ran all the way up to the door. There were no guards so we just walked in. Caspian and I drew our swords and Caspian put his at Miraz' throat. Miraz opened his eyes and chuckled,

"Thank goodness... you're both safe," he said,

"Get up," said Caspian forcefully, Miraz climbed out of bed but woke his wife while doing so,

"Caspian? Cassandra?" questioned Prunaprismia,

"Stay where you are!" I ordered her,

"What are you doing?" she asked us,

"I should think it's obvious dear!" said Miraz, he looked at Caspian, "You know, some families might consider this inappropriate behaviour,"

"That doesn't seem to have stopped you," Caspian spat at him,

"But you're not like me, are you?..." Miraz replied,

"It's sad. The first time either of you shows any backbone, and it's such a waste!" Miraz sighed,

Prunaprismia aimed a crossbow at Caspian, "Put the sword down, Caspian. I don't want to do this," I turned my full attention to her as Susan and Peter came into the room,

"We don't want you to either!" said Susan coming into the room and aiming her bow at Prunaprismia. Peter drew his sword and looked at us.

"This used to be a private room," said Miraz sarcastically,

"Cassandra! Caspian! what are you doing? You're supposed to beat the gatehouse," Peter said,

"Be quiet Peter!" I said loudly, Peter stared at me,

"Tonight, for once, I want the truth!" Caspian turned to Miraz, "Did you kill our father?"

"Now we get to it!" Miraz sighed,

"You told me your brother died in his sleep," Prunaprismia questioned Miraz,

"That was more or less true," replied Miraz,

"Did you kill our father?" repeated Caspian,

"Caspian, this won't make things any better," said Susan from the door,

"We Telmarines would have nothing had we, not taken it. Your father knew that as well as anyone," spat Miraz, Prunaprismia lowered her crossbow slightly,

"How could you!?" she asked,

"For the same reason, you will pull that trigger!" yelled Miraz. He stepped forward forcing Caspian to step back. I raised my sword slightly,

"Stop! Stay right there," Susan said quickly,

"Tell us, Miraz," I was getting mad, "Why?" I put my sword on the opposite side to Caspians and pushed it slightly into his neck. Two trickles of blood were falling down his neck where the swords were. But I didn't care, I was blinded by pure rage,

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