Chapter 3

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"sorry Nick. Forgot to add them to the roster but me and Joe invited them."

I looked to see jamarr chase standing there with Joe burrow right next to him... For some reason my drunk minds first reaction was to run behind the "Nick" guy and throw my arm around Jamarrs shoulder and say "Lets celebrate!! Come on madison!" I turned around to begin walking but then I realized I do not not the layout of this house... "ummm.. where's the alcohol?" I turned around asking jamarr. My drunk state made me much less nervous than I would be if I was sober. "Are you sure you guys need more alcohol?" Joe said laughing. "We do!" Madison said. "Well... just follow me I'll show u guys." Jamarr said. Me and Madison followed behind joe and jamarr and we kept giggling. "Maddieee hes so fine I'm gonna bust no joke!" I whispered to madison. "HANNAH!" She yelled. "Shhhhh! SHUT UP! nobody is suppsoed to know!" I whisper yelled. Jamarr turned around "know what?" "Hannah said she-" I immediately covered Madison's mouth to prevent her from telling what I said. "Ohhhh nothingggg dont worry now where the alcohol?" I said as I uncover Madison's mouth.

"We're already here. What do u guys want?" Joe asked. "Ummm...  can we just have white claws? We already drank likeee a ton at the game.." Madison said. "Sure let me go get it for u guys." Joe said heading off. Leaving me madison and jamarr alone. "Hannah said she would bust a nut for u!" Madison said really fast. Jamarrs eyes widened. "WHAT! Nononono I DID NOT say that!" I started saying frantically. "It's okay hannah I heard you say it behind us. I just wanted to see if you'd tell me the truth of what you said." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. Just hearing him say my name made my face turn red. Then joe showed up with our drinks as he said "am I interuppting something...?" I broke the eye contact with jamarr "ohh nonononur not" I said quickly. Jamarr just smiled at me. I grabbed the white claw from joes hand and began downing it to try and get rid of my embarrassment. "Damn slow down on the drinking" jamarr said laughing and pushing the can away from my mouth.

"Are you guys going to go to the Super Bowl game?" Joe asked us. "Well... if we can save up enough money to buy tickets then yes we are for sure." Madison said. "Me and Joe can just buy you tickets. You guys seem like pretty big fans" Jamarr said gesturing to me. I looked down realizing I was decked out in all #1. "Oh yeaaa... haha I forgot." I said my face reddening. "It's okay I think it's cute." Jamarr said. "Where all your #9 I feel left out" Joe said laughing looking at madison. "Okay listen! I didn't wanna wear one number because I wanted to support the team as a whole!" She said. "Wow Hannah... you didn't wanna support the whole team?" Jamarr said pretending to be offended. "What! No not at all! I love the whole team! Your just my favorite ya know.." I said defending myself. "It's okay I firgured out that much by your news interview." Jamarr said laughing. "Oh my goddddd! I forgot about that!" Madison groaned. "It's okay we thought it was funny." Joe said. I wont lie even when Joe is talking I can't help but look at Jamarr. He just looks so good! "Your staring you know." Jamarr said looking over at me. "Whatttt nooo I'm not!" I said waving my hands in the air."

Jamarr began laughing. "Is it hot in here? I think it is. Come on Maddie let's go outside for a second!" I said dragging Maddie by her wrist to the outside. Immediately we both began giggling. "He's so hot in real life!" I said grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. "Joe is so sexyyyy!" She said. "Dude... Its so hard not to stareeeeee! Like. The jawline the lips the eyes the everything! All we need now is them to take their shirts off!" I yelled kinda loud. Some people looked over at us. "Ummm... Be a little quieter! Do you want them to come out here and hear us??" Madison said. "Kinda.. I just want him to take his shirt off." I said. "And you think I don't?" Madison said. "He's mine! You have joe! Don't hit on my man if he takes his shirt off your not allowed to look!" I said. "I wasn't even talking about jamarr! I was talking about Joe dumbass!!" Madison yelled. "Good! DONT look at jamarr I know I'm ur friend and all... but he's mine and I would have to never talk to you again if you tried to take him!" I yelled. "Um.. are you two alright?" Joe said as he randomly appeared behind Maddie. "Oh! Yeaaa Yesyes we okay!" Maddie frantically said turning around. "I don't know.. I heart you guys yelling about how somebody's "mine" Joe said. "Oh! Yea no we never said that! Haha!" I said waving my hands around.

"Are you sure?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and it was jamarr. "You gusy are everywhere! When did u even come over here!" Madison yelled. "We've actually been here the whole time" Joe said laughing. "WHAT!" Me and Maddie said at the same time. "So I'm "Your man" now?" Jamarr asked laughing. "Listen.. I didn't mean it like that!" I said. "It's okay I know you did. You really want me to take off my shirt that bad?" Jamarr asked looking down at me. "Whattt did I say thattt??" I said trying to act clueless. "Look at me when you talk to me" Jamarr said. "Just to be clear maybeeee I did say that, BUT I'm not saying you have to take your shirt off" I said. "I mean I could if you wanted me to, but It doesnt seem like you want it bad enough... so I think we will have to save me being shirtless for the next time we see eachother" jamarr said. NEXT TIME?!? Jamarr chase just basically said we are going to hang out again. Before I could even finish my thoughts madison yelled "omg beer pong! Let's go play please you guys!" "Okay okay let's go" Joe said laughing. We walked to the beer pong and I said "Maddie me and you are on a team!" We walked to the end of the table. We began throwing the ping pong balls into the cups taking turns. Although joe and jamarr had crazy aim, which I guess makes sense since they play football... so it's safe to say me and Maddie are drunk out of our mind having to drink all this beer. And even jamarr and joe are a bit drunk.

"U-um guys can we go sit down for a minute.." I asked. Well, more like demanded because while saying it I was already sitting down on a couch nausea taking over. "I may have drank a bit to much" I complained. "Me too!" Maddie said throwing her arm around me. Yea she's drunk. "Why would we go against a freaking quarter back who's going to the Super Bowl! Obviously he would have great aim!" I said throwing my head back on the couch. "Um guys... I think you might want to rest up a bit. If you want I can take you two to a spare bedroom." Jamarr said. "Yes please!" Maddie said. We began to stand up stumbling a bit but still able to walk. Jamarr began to lead us upstairs in the house. "Hannah why are you looking at his ass..." madison said. "What! I am not looking at his ass!" I said. I really wasn't. I was just looking down. "Yes you were!" She said. "Okay and you don't look at joes ass?-" "I think that's enough about me and joes ass" jamarr said. "But here's the spare room. Honestly you two are probably better off staying the night... your way to drunk and I'd rather not have you throwing up in a random Uber..." jamarr said opening the door to the spare bedroom.

"Okay well goodnight jamarr! See ya in the morning." Madison said going in the room and plopping onto the bed. "Wait! Im sleeping in the same house and jamarr chase! Wait- no oh my god..." why did I just say that INFRONT OF HIM... before he could even reply I hurriedly said "goodnight jamarr! See ya" and quickly went in the room and shut the door. "Damn this room is spinning like crazy..." madison said. "We should probably go to bed... before I embarrass myself some more." I said laying down on the bed next to madison. "I wonder if they'll still be here when we wake up?" I asked madison. When she doesn't answer I look over to see she's already passed out. "Well... ok then" I said. Before I even knew it I was also fast asleep.

I literally update this book SO SLOW😭😭 I AM SO SORRY!! No promises that I'll update faster... I just randomly get motivation to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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