What the fuck

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It's Deja she had a hand full of papers & saids can I come in & walks in.
Zac: Yo wtf are you doing here it's not 5:30 yet & how did u get my address?
Deja: Bryce gave it to me, he must of forgot it call you to tell you that I was going to come by now.
Zac: What the fuck yo Zac is pissed.
Deja: This is a nice place by the way & oh my gosh is that your baby she's so pretty can I hold her?
Zac: Hell no you cannot. What are you doing here?
Deja: I need you to sign the paperwork remember I told you that earlier.
Zac: Well Fatima needs to sign them too so you can leave & come back when I call you to come back & don't ever come by our house unannounced again without calling first.
Deja: My bad my bad I will come back later byyyee Zac she saids flirting cute baby by the way.
Zac: yea yea ok whatever bye he slams the door.
Yo he thinks what the fuck if Fatima was here that would of went left quick. He pulls out his phone to call Bryce.
Zac: Yo bro what the fuck man.
Bryce: My bad man I forgot to call you & tell you I got busy. I'm sorry it won't happen again.
Zac: Yea whatever aight son.
He hangs up.
He then starts to put up the groceries since he didn't get a chance to do it earlier. Zatima was knocked out thankfully Deja's loud ghetto ass didn't wake her.
At Fatima's job she is working on her case when Andi walks in.
Andi: Hey girl how ya feeling?
Fatima: I'm feeling ok just tired but I'm ok.
Andi: Anything I can do to help?
Fatima: oh no I'm good thanks for asking.
Andi: Your welcome I seen Zac & Zatima was here for lunch I didn't wanna interrupt.
Fatima: Yes he surprised me & brought me flowers & lunch.
Andi: oooouuu those are beautiful & that's sweet.
Fatima office phones rings it's her assistant calling to tell her that her client Mr. Johnson is there.
Fatima: Ok give me 5 & then you can send him back thanks. They hang up.
Andi: Well we'll talk later girl love ya.
Fatima: Ok sis love you too.
There's a knock at Fatima's office door she said come in it's her assistant along with Mr. Johnson. Fatima stands up to greet him she pts out her hand to shake his.
Mr. Johnson: Wow your beautiful he kisses her hand.
Fatima: Looks at him weird & saids Thanks I think but let's keep it all business please.
Mr.Johnson: Sure thing Mrs.
Fatima cuts him off Mrs. Taylor she finishes. He sees a picture on her desk of her Zac & Zatima & saids wow you have a beautiful family. He's a lucky man.
Fatima: Thanks so how can I help you Mr. Johnson?
As they sit down.
Mr.Johnson: First of all just call me Richard please. So I was wondering if we could discuss my case against my ex.
Fatima: Mr. Johnson she saids yes we can do that sir. What would like to discuss?
Mr.Johnson: Well I'd like to know when we'll be going to court & what's the status on the settlement?
Fatima thinks he could of just called me for this is he serious but she just smiles & saids next week we'll be in court & the settlement I'm still working on that with her lawyer. So that will be solved by the end of this week sir.
Mr. Johnson: Well thank you pretty lady I'll be in touch. He smiles at her she gives a fake smile back.
Fatima: Sure thing enjoy your day.
Mr. Johnson: Ok maybe next time we can discuss this over lunch. What do ya say?
Fatima: Uh no thanks i am very happily married woman. Annoyed.
Mr. Johnson: Ok I understand can't blame for trying. I'll see myself out.
Fatima: Yea ok see ya.
Mr. Johnson: Have a great day beautiful flowers.
Fatima just looks at him & she doesn't say anything.
He leaves out
Fatima thinks what the hell he gotta a lot of nerve, he seen the picture & this big ass rock on my finger & he still tried it wait til I tell Zac this shit. She shakes her head.
Back at the house Zac is done putting everything up just in time cause Zatima is waking up. She isn't fussy yet but she's moving around & looking around.
Zac picks her up & saids hey baby girl how was your nap as he kisses her cheek. He saids awww my sweet baby oh no you gotta be changed mama. He lays her down on the changing table & changes her lil stinky butt.
After he changes her he makes her a bottle he places her on her play mat & makes her a bottle. Her bottle is warmed up he picks her up & sits down to feed her. After she finishes her bottle he put her in her seat & turns on the tv for her. He starts to do a load of laundry & then he's going to cook dinner. He's going to make a salad with grilled steak to go with it.
Fatima comes home. It's 5:45 now.
Zac: Hey baby how was the rest of your day?
Fatima: It was fine babe, I'm just tired. Where's my big girl she goes over & picks her up kisses & hugs her gently. They all go sit on the couch.
Fatima: Babe how did it go?
Zac: It was fine. She was upset after the grocery store visit but I made it through.
Fatima: Awwww
Zac: Yes she was hungry & needed to be changed.
Fatima: That's the norm
Zac: Yes so let me tell you what happened, as Zac phone buzzes.
Fatima: Who is calling you babe?
Zac: It's just Deja.
Fatima: oh ok we'll answer.
Zac: hey Deja what's up?
Deja: I'm here.
Zac: ok give me 5
Zac thinks damn this girl doesn't listen & shakes his hard.
Zac: It's Deja we gotta sign the paperwork for the house.
Fatima: ok babe
Zac: But before we do that, she came by while you were at work I didn't know that she was coming Bryce gave her the address & she just showed up.
Fatima shakes her head
Fatima: Alright Zac I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Zac: I promise babe I even checked her & told her not to do that shit again.
Fatima: what she say?
Zac: She just said ok & left.
Fatima: Ok well let her come in. annoyed
There's a knock, Zac goes to the door & Deja walks in & saids hiiii
Zac: Hey so let's get this done. We got other shit to do.
Deja: ok ok ok I understand.
Fatima: Hey Deja I want you to hear me & hear me clearly don't you ever come to our house again without calling first. Zac told me that shit you pulled earlier, don't let it happen again.
Deja: stuttering ok I got it Fatima
Fatima: Now where are the papers you need us to sign?
Deja: oh there right here.
Fatima: ok let us look over this real quick.
Deja: ok yea sure.
Fatima: oh yea for your sake, he's off limits.
Deja : yea girl I hear you
Fatima: You better have heard me too.
Fatima looks over it they sign the paperwork
Zac: Ok Deja thank you so much you can go now.
Fatima: yes byee
Deja leaves
Fatima: Can you believe her?
Zac: Na i can't actually he shakes his head.
Fatima: Sidebar 1 of my clients Mr. Johnson tried to flirt with me today.
Zac: Wtf he didn't see that big ass rock on your finger & the picture on your desk?
Fatima: ooouu I like it when ya jealous daddy.
Zac: That's not funny Fatima.
Fatima: Babe chill you know I shut that shit down.
Zac: I know you did, I'm not worried baby.
Fatima: Good you definitely shouldn't be can't nothing or nobody come in between us.
Zac: You know it.
Fatima: You sure you good as she kisses him
Zac: Yep sexy now go shower so we can eat. I'm going to feed her & put her down. I'll be waiting on you.
Fatima: Ok I'll make it quick.
Zac: It's cool take ya time baby.
30 mins she returns & the table is set he has it set up like a romantic dinner.
Fatima: Awwww Zac babe. You put Zatima to sleep?
Zac: Yes honey she's out.
Fatima: This looks good babe.
Zac: Thanks baby & your welcome.
Fatima: Let's eat.
They sit down at the table & begin eating
Fatima: Baby I was thinking since Melissa & Dawn had to move back & went back to NC, that we should find someone else to rent the other side.
Zac: I'm all over it baby I got it.
Fatima: she smiles ok baby i trust you,
Zac: So you know I want dessert after this right? Smirking
Fatima: Zac as she winks as him.
Zac: I just can't help it. I love the way you taste. He licks his lips at Fatima.
Fatima: Mmmm daddy
Zac: You wet now huh?
Fatima: You know it come see for ya self.
They go over to the couch & he attacks her pussy licking her clit & fingering her at the same time. Fatima is breathing hard she can't help but cum bc Zac knows exactly what to do when it comes to pleasing her. After she came Zac gets up & starts to kiss her they moan within the kiss, he then saids you ready for daddy she nods he inserts his dick into her dripping pussy & he fucks her with steady strokes, she's digging her nails in his back saying deeper he goes deeper hittin her spot he feels her pussy tighten he knows she's going to cum he on the verge of cumming too. They both cum together fuuccck Zac saids shhiitt Fatima saids. He kisses her & they sit down on the couch breathing hard trying to catch their breath.
Zac: Fuck baby that was so good damn baby.
Fatima: Damn Zac you always please me too good you never miss.
Zac: I try i try I aim to please you baby always.
Fatima: Well you do. She winks at him.
He smiles back.
Zac: You ready to head upstairs?
Fatima: Yea what about the food tho babe?
Zac: I'll help you with getting her upstairs then I'll put everything away. You don't worry.
Fatima: Ok baby how many bottles are upstairs do you know?
Zac: I really don't know.
Fatima: Just grab 2 that she be good.
Fatima picks up Zatima & Zac gets the 2 bottles & they both go upstairs.
Zac: Ok babe I'll be right back.
Fatima puts Zatima in her bassinet pats her back for a few while Zac goes downstairs.
Fatima goes to do her night time routine & climbs in the bed. Zac comes back up & does his night time routine too & climbs into bed.
Fatima: Goodnight baby love u babe.
Zac: Goodnight I love u more beautiful.
The next morning Maria is coming to watch Zatima for the day as they both go into their office for work.
At Zac's job
Zac: Good morning as he speaks to Gia as he heads to his office.
Gia: Good morning good to see you it's been a while Mr. Taylor. Let me know if you need anything sir.
Zac: You too & will do.
He closes the door to his office. Bryce knocks on his office door.
Zac: who is it Zac yells out?
Bryce: It's me brother.
Zac: Come in slightly annoyed.
Bryce: Sorry again man about not letting you know that she was coming by.
Zac: It's all good bro. I need to ask you something bro.
Bryce: What's up man?
Zac: I need to rent out my other side of my place you know anybody?
Bryce: Let me call Deja & get her on it.
Zac: Aight I guess but no funny shit bro.
Bryce: I got you man I promise.
Zac: Cool bro.
Bryce: Everything else good man?
Zac: Yes were good I'm having a baby boy.
Bryce: Aww man congratulations, I'm happy for you.
Zac: Thanks bro keep me posted with renting out next door.
Bryce: I will see ya man.
Zac: Later my guy.
Over at Fatima's job. She has just got to her desk, her assistant has messages for her & she's going to check her emails. She has to get the settlement for Mrs Johnson & finish up in court tomorrow.
Andi knocks on her door.
Fatima: Hiiii friend happy new year I missed ya. How is everything?
Andi: Same to you friend & everything is good just Gary is still on my nerves as usual.
Fatima: Girl he'll never change. Rolls her eyes.
Andi: I know oh well what's new with you?
Fatima: It's a boy, I got a blood test done to surprise Zac.
Andi: Awww congratulations I hope he's your twin this time.
Fatima: Me too friend me too.
Andi: Well I'll leave you to it see ya.
Fatima: ok love ya, talk later?
Andi: love ya too & yes I'd like that.
Andi goes back to her office & Fatima gets back to work.
Fatima phone rings
Fatima: hello
Nurse: Hello this Stacy calling for Mrs: Taylor
Fatima: This is her.
Nurse: I was calling to remind you that on Wednesday at 10am Zatima has a her 4 month check up. Will you all be able to make it?
Fatima: Thinks shit i almost forgot. Yes we will be there thanks for calling.
Nurse: Ok great see you then & your welcome have a good day.
Fatima: Thanks you as well.
Fatima calls Zac
Zac: Hey baby you good?
Fatima: Yes babe Wednesday Zatima has her 4 month check up at 10.
Zac: Ok baby we will be there.
Fatima: Ok baby your day going well?
Zac: Yes so far how about yours?
Fatima: It's good here too.
Zac: Great. I talked to Bryce about us renting out the other side he said he would talk to Deja about it.
Fatima rolls her eyes & takes a deep breath.
Fatima: Ok baby cool. Let me get back to work see you at home babe I love you.
Zac: He doesn't argue he knows she's annoyed ok love you too bye baby.
Fatima: Bye babe.
It's now 5
Fatima leaves to go home & Zac does too. Maria leaves
Fatima: Hey babe
Zac: Hey babe
Fatima: Let's go to Target.
They change Zatima & pack up her diaper bag.
Zac: Oh lawd.
Fatima: We not going to be long bae.
Zac: ok let's go.
2 hours later
Zac: Come on Ti let's go i'm hungry & i'm sure she needs to be changed by now.
Fatima: Ok let's go
Zac: Good finally
They go check out & head to get food. Back in the car.
Fatima: What we getting to eat?
Zac: What you have a taste for?
Fatima: How about burgers?
Zac: sounds good from where?
Fatima: what about Wendy's?
Zac: I'm cool with it if you are.
Fatima: Ok i want a frosty too.
Zac: Copy
They get their food & go home.
Zatima is fussy.
Fatima feeds her while Zac brings in all the bags from Target.
They eat, bathe Zatima Fatima sings to her as she feeds her, she falls asleep to her mama's voice.
Fatima: you ready?
Zac: For?
Fatima: To shower babe.
Zac: Yes let's gooo.
Fatima: We're only showering Zachary Taylor.
Zac: Ok Fatima Taylor.
Fatima: She laughs
Zac: You are something else smiles
Fatima: And you not? Smirking
Zac: And I know I am but ya still love me .
Fatima: You damn right I do. She kisses him.
Zac: Look at you.
Fatima: Who me what did I do?
Zac: Nothing let's hurry up.
They shower & get into bed they fall asleep quickly.

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