(OLD) Chapter 1: Enter, Phoenix Squadron.

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The same day. Sermitsiak Airbase, Scandinavia.

Nine CG-1991 fighters belonging the Canterian International Defense Agency's Air Force taxies towards the runway of the Sermitsiak Airbase as snow landed on the jets, the guns and missiles giving off a glitter of what sunlight breaks through the clouds of the Scandinavian territory of Greenland. The atmosphere would be relatively nice, if not for the screeching of the cold resistant landing craft going through ice and the ear-shattering noise of the electric thrusters gradually going towards their destination. 

After awhile the nine fighter jets all line up on the runway, ready to put their electric thrusters to the max. A fighter pilot checks the systems on his controls and grabs a radio. "This is Phoenix-1 reporting, all systems are in check, we are ready for takeoff." The fighter pilot reports on the radio. After a short while of anxious waiting, the radio cracks to life. "Phoenix squadron. You are clear to take off, don't blast the runway like last time."

Phoenix-1 puts his hand on the throttle, clearly intending to blast the runway by trying to go Mach 0.5 in 15 seconds. "Noted as a suggestion. Phoenix squadron, take off now!" Phoenix-1 slides the throttle to his plane and blasts the snow off the plane behind him and accidentally breaks the sound barrier mid takeoff. The ATC controller looks on pissed however, not realizing that his radio is still on as the rest of the Phoenix squadron takes off. "OH MY FUCKI-" The radio goes to static as Phoenix-1 speeds away from Sermitsiaks radio frequency range with the rest following suit.

"This is Phoenix-4, I just have a question for you. The hell?" Phoenix-1 laughs in the radio as he recalled the reaction of the ATC controller while takeoff, regarding it as funny. "Well, me being a speed demon, so to speak. You get how it's supposed to be right?" Phoenix-1 said while still chuckling, making him barely able to make a comprehendible sentence. Phoenix-4 sighed in disappointment. "Whatever, just don't try burn my canopy with the electric thrusters again for fucks sake."

Pheonix-1 gets one final laugh. "Yeah yeah, alright I'll stop my tomfoolery for now." Pheonix-4 gives off a sigh before resuming his casual flight. Pretty soon the Phoenix squadron returns to normal as their mission is to enter another world, not fuck around and find out. Radio silence continued as is until...

"Neuroi fighter detected! Phoenix squadron, get your asses up and fucking diverge!" Phoenix squadron quickly splits into two groups of 4 and 5 and started conducting evasive maneuvers against the Neuroi fighter. Several lasers graze the CG-1991's but none do any real damage, until a laser seemingly approaches a fighter directly in the right wing, seemingly going to do some damage. But when the laser hits, it is deflected onto the snow below and the Anti-Neuroi energy shields reveal themselves.

The Neuroi inwardly panics as it thought that witches only had shields, not full on fighter jets. Also the shield covered the entire fighters body, so another Neuroi couldn't conduct pincer attacks against them. Suddenly its train of thought is interrupted by 2 missiles hitting its back and revealing its core, causing it immense pain. It tries to flee but another missile locks onto it and heads directly to its core.

"Boom, you Neuroi bastard." Phoenix-3 said as the missile from her plane hit directly onto the core. The radio goes to life in her plane. "Whoever killed that Neuroi, splendid work." Phoenix-1 said. "That was me. However though, aren't the Neuroi getting easier to kill nowadays? Maybe they are sending us weak units to delay us from disrupting their construction of an ultra-strong unit or something." The radio was silent for a moment before responding. 

"Good work Phoenix-3. Also, or maybe we could have disrupted them so much that they are using weak units in a last ditch effort, the other world must have wiped out their Neuroi by now assuming it isn't the 'Strike Witches' world where its 1945. Another possible option is that our weapons are getting better and we are getting more skilled at obliterating aliens." Phoenix-1 says. To which Phoenix-3 sits blankly. "Fair point." Phoenix squadron then continues to fly towards the wormhole till its in visible range. 

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