chapter 2

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As they arrived on the island m/n followed Guevara to where a group of people were. Taking a axe from a tree that seemed to be there for a while he quickly got the attention of the group.

With smiles ran at him. "Boss! Where ya been!" One said.

"Your axe hasn't moved since you left!" Another one said as well.

"The states." Guevara said and they looked shocked. He then eexplained how he lost to  oliva. Then some guy said how he had like 9 kids now.

"That's a lot." M/n said getting their attention.

"Oh wow! I didn't relive you had someone with you!" One said.

"Whos kid?" One asked.

"Come on I'm 26!" M/n said as Guevara picked him up, in a way he sat on his arm.

"This is my boyfriend. We met in Arizona State Prison." Guevara explained, to be honest they were all shocked but who could blame? M/n wasn't really seemingly a dangerous looking person.

"Really this guy? Wow." One said and m/n glared harshly making him shiver.

"My name is m/n. Use it." He hissed before returning to his usual calm self. Guevara talked with his people for a while before returning to his old home once the sun has sent m/n following him.

Once inside he looked down as m/n. "You really had to get everyone wild up like that?" He asked referring to the major 'mash party' ,m/ns worlds, m/n just threw after getting everyone extremely wilded up.

"But it tis my specialty!" He replied taking off his shirt as Guevara did the same with his shirt, and pants. M/n throwing his pants across the room joined Guevara as he laid down. "Laying with me tonight?"  M/n smirked.

"This once." Guevara said wrapping his arms around m/n, who had his wrapped around his neck.

"Then i might as well enjoy it." He said kissing Guevara. His lips were suprisingly more soft then you'd think. And his kisses were sweet and gentle.

Laying against Guevara's chest the to cuddled together in a calm clear night.

Sweet And Sour (Guevara x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora