Never give up chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"I'll meet you down there" he said then gave a peck on the lips and disappeared into his room.

I locked the door and smiled like crazy. Out first kiss felt like something I couldn't even explain it was that amazing!

I went to my cloths and pulled on the grey over the shoulder shirt that showed a little of my toned stomach, then I pulled on my black skinny jeans. I applied my make up and black stilettos and ran down the stairs, well tried to run.

"You look nice" Aram said with sandy basically chained to his arm.

"Thanks, you look.... Good" I said trying to find a word

All he had on was a black v-neck and jeans that he needed to pull up.

When I turned around my mouth dropped to see Kevin walk down the stairs. He had a black buttoned shirt that showed his collar bones and a little more of his chest, he had black jeans on with his grey high tops Adidas.

"Wow" I mumbled

Kevin also had that you look hot look on his face when he saw me.

I could tell Aram was looked so I linked Kevin threw our minds

'You look hot!' He said

'Same to you big boy' I smirked when he got it

'Hey baby remember your mine if I see any guy try and hit on you it's a deadly out come for them' he replied

'I'm all your baby' I said winking at him as he got down the fight of stairs

"Are you ready or what it do you want to make another entrance?" Aram said snapping us out of our messages

"Sorry" I blushed

Aram and his girl walked out the door first and as I started walking I felt Kevin take my wrist.

"Mine" he whispered and planted a kiss on my lips then tangled fingers.

We walked out to the car and sandy had already claimed the front seat next to Aram. She was really ugly up close so maybe that's why Aram shuts his eyes tight when he kisses her?

"Nicole?" I heard a husky voice say

I didn't realize I was dazing off while Kevin had opened the door for me waiting for me to get In.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking" I blushed and jumped in the car moving to the other side so Kevin could scoot next to me.

"Are you ready to dance!" Aram said so exited that he was getting out of the house

I giggled and looked at Kevin who winked at me then locked out fingers together.

I felt safe with Kevin like he was my missing pice.

I saw Aram look in the mirror at me and Kevin who were laughing at links we were sending back and forth

"Is there something funny?!" Aram snapped

"Sorry man" Kevin said trying not To laugh

I loved mind linking with Kevin like we could say anything without others hearings us.

Aram glared at us and sped up.

"Babe slow down we are in a school zone" sandy cried

"Calm done I know what I'm doing" Aram snapped and picked up speed.

He swerved on the turns making us hit the windows and we almost hit three people on our way.

"Aram man clam down" Kevin said as I gripped his hand

He looked down at me seeing I was scared we were going to crash.

He slammed on the breaks as we arrived at a lit up club

"Get out we are here" he barked

Sandy jumped out of the car.

"What's his problem?" She asked moving next to me and Kevin

"I don't know your his mate you should know" I said

She puffed and waited for Aram but me and Kevin went to the front of the line

"Kev the lines back there" I said holding his strong hand

"I know" he winked as we reached the two body guards

"Hey brono" Kevin said as they pounded fists.

"Hey man this your girl?" He asked looking at me

"Yeah she's all mine" he smiled wrapping his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"She's a beauty don't let her go" he said

"Oh I won't" he smiled and kissed my head

The man smiled and opened the door for us letting us go in as Aram and sandy made their way to the back of the line.

When we walked in it was packed with people, you could accutly feel the sweat of the people who were dancing their heart out in the air. They had my favorite song on SCREAM by usher

"Oh my gosh I love this song" I yelled to Kevin over all the noise

"Lets dance princess" he winked and took my hand leading me to the dance floor. We danced our hearts out to that song. The song ended and the next track was I'm a machine by David guetta.

This time Kevin and I danced a little dirty well I wanted to anyway to show those sluts who were watching him that he was mine. I put my butt to him and danced like never before!

"Damn baby it's okay" he whispered in my ear

"I want them to know your mine" I said back tying not to ruin my rhythm.

"Then do this" he smiled pulling me off of his man hood and pressed his lips on mine. We turned the kiss into a passionate one moving our tongues tougher.

"I love you Nicole" he whispered in my ear after parting the kiss

"I love you too Kev" I said holding him to me

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