Ben and Kayla were aware of the challenges that they'd face going into it, so when Claudia came, they weren't as blindsided as some couples might be. But neither ever backed away from a challenge. Ben, especially, did not know the meaning of the word, quit. Unfortunately, that was also a weakness of his, and sometimes bit him on the butt. He did not want to give up on a kid.


"Just hurry up," he told them, in the nicest way possible. It took a lot to get Ben upset, something he tried not to do, and something Claudia seemed to sense and take pleasure in.

Ben returned to the kitchen to finish packing the lunches when he noticed Kayla stifling a smirk behind the hand holding her fork while watching him.


Kayla pretended to clear her throat. "Nothing." She tried to hide the smirk, but not all that hard.

He didn't press it, but knew Kayla was laughing at him and Claudia. As much as the girl pressed his buttons, she could be hilarious from time to time. Or, the girls thought so, anyway.

-- & --

By the time Ben had all the lunches packed and ready, the two girls finally came downstairs with their backpacks, taking a plate from Ben as they walked behind him to the table.

By this time, Kayla and Miguel had finished, which Kayla refilled what she had already drank of her coffee.

"Girls, have a wonderful day, and don't give Ben too much of a hard time this morning. Kay?" She gave the girls a knowing sideways look, half serious, but also as a tease towards Ben.

"We make no promises about Ben," Mary replied with a grin of her own, while also chuckling.

Kayla just smiled and leaned over to wrap a hand around the fourteen-year-old's head to kiss it.

Miguel also hugged and kissed his big sister good-bye, which she asked where he was going. "I'm going with Kayla to saw-bucks on the way to school," he chimed back with a beaming face.

Both girls protested towards Kayla, who loved Starbucks more than Miguel did. For different reasons, of course.

"I promised to share a treat with Miguel since I won't be home in time to read a chapter tonight," Kayla informed them and reminded the girls, he was also overdue for a treat with her anyway since the last few times Kayla went to Starbucks, it was either alone or with one of the girls. It wasn't an everyday thing since she preferred making coffee at home. But every now and then, usually when running late or she needed the extra caffeine, or to just get a pastry.

Before they left, Miguel gave Ben a hug and kiss when Ben handed him his Paw Patrol lunch box while Kayla went to grab his matching backpack. She held the straps out so Miguel could slip his arms through. Once Kayla had her lunch and her shoulder bag she keeps her laptop and work files in, she and Ben kissed once last time. The two put their shoes on at the door before heading out.

After Kayla and Miguel left, Ben told the girls to finish their breakfast while he fed Samson his morning Kibble, calling the dog in from the backyard.

The black, long-haired German Shepherd trotted over, slipping in past Ben's legs before he closed the back door. Samson happily panted and circled around him as Ben headed back to the kitchen. Samson had been a rescue when Ben and Kayla had first married right before Christmas. During their first date, he had mentioned wanting to adopt a dog from the shelter one day, having always wanted one, but his mom was afraid dogs would scare her precious goats. So, for their first Christmas together as a married couple, Kayla picked Samson out, who came right to her and fell in love with both of them. He never left either one's side for the first several weeks and ended up being an enormous help for the kids as well.

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