Grandma wanted to answer angrily but grandpa stopped her and instead says.

"I understand you my child, we will just talk with the guy and confirm if Layla doesn't have a problem, we can do the engagement at the end of this year and the wedding next year Insha Allah if everything works out. In that time you can try and find Fatima and we will search for her over here as well. What say? Or do you have anyone else in mind."

Zaid as a young child flashes infront of Layla mothers eyes. She always thought that she would marry her daughter with Zaid as a child. The two children loved each other way too much but unfortunately the whole family died in a mafia attack. She quickly wips her tears.

"Daughter, do you have anyone in mind for Layla, do you my child." this time grandma asks as she knows that as Layla mother she has full right to chose Layla life partner.

"No, mother I don't have anyone in mind. If you people think he is good for our Layla then he should be I have no abjection, but remember ammi (mother) that Layla shouldn't be married before her father."

"Yes my child, but why did you take so long to answer." grandpa blurts out before grandma says anything about waiting for Layla father. She gives him a death glare whereas grandpa just looks away scared of grandma angry.

"No nothing abbu. I was just thinking about someone. Nothing important."

Flashback ends

Salman is busy working on another  case he has, the case will have its finally hearing in two days after which he will start working on Layla case not that he hasn't done anything yet.

His office intercom buzzers. He clicks on the answer button.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning Miss. What is the problem."

"There is an old couple outside. They say they are grandparents of a woman called Layla sure I let them in."

"Yes please do. Next time there are old people don't make them wait outside let they wait at the reception before confirming with me okay. Also make you you offer them a seat and if none is available offer your own." he orders in a strict tone.

Why would Layla babhi grandparents came here. Oh maybe to talk about the case and how far it is going. Must be otherwise why would they came here right. There can be no other explanation for their occurance?

Someone knocks on the door.

"Came in please. Assalam." he says after they enter and closed the door.

"Wasalaam" both the couple say together in union.

"Please take a seat." he says all in professional tone. "How can I help you."

"Look son, I know that that your taking Layla case, but please don't talk  in a professional manner. We want to discuss something personal."

"Okay....?" he trails off.

"What do you think about Layla?" grandpa asks him.

Salman is super confused. Why would they ask him what he feels about Layla. In his view they should be asking this question to Azaan.

Salman Pov

Wow don't tell me that they are thinking of me and Layla as a couple. It's not like I don't like her but I've never looked at her like that. I wouldn't dare to.

She is like a sister to me. A babhi more like it. What if Azaan finds out that they came to me. Then what. He'll definitely think I tried to get at her grandparents.

"Son...where are you lost" Grandpa asks me.

"Nowhere.... You were saying."

"What do you think about Layla."

"She's nice... She like a sister I never had. You see I'm an only child and always longed for a sister." I blurt out quickly without thinking. Well it's true I told half the truth.

I am a only child and I longed for a sibling which I found in Azaan. He is the brother I never had. I had to say that she is like a sister I never had. What if I just said that she is nice and then they would ask the most dreaded question. How would I put it? I really need to tell Azaan that they might be looking for grooms Azaan shouldn't be late. I mean he should go to talk with them.

"You only like her as a sister not a life partner...." grandma asks.

Now what sure I say. Maybe I should say I have someone already. Yeah that's the best thing.

"My mother already found someone for me." I lied without looking in their eyes. How can I when I'm hate lying and what's worse if you know me for a good amount of time then, you can easily pick up that I'm lying.

It's good that they don't know me at all. Otherwise they would of caught me by now.

I quickly call Azaan but he didn't answer. Come on Azaan it's about life and death. I call five more times yet still no reply.

I pull my hair in frustration. What am I going to do now like serious babhi won't became babhi otherwise.

I thought of sending a message but then I hear a pinge sound of my phone.

Azaan: Assalam can't talk now in a meeting can see it's urgent by the amount of continuous calling so I'll make sure to call u first thing once this meeting is over.

Me: 💔

I reply with a broken heart, with meant I'm angry at him or more like offended, but he knows that I'm only joking around with him. I quickly type...

Me: don't bother it's very urgent so I'm caming to ur office. I'll wait in ur cabin. So take ur time.

Azaan:👍 this meeting is so boring.

I knew he'll say something like this otherwise he wouldn't even reply.


I drive my car to his office and walk straight inside.

"Sir, we know sir said that we shouldn't stop you but sir is in a meeting right now." the receptionist says.

"I know and I'll be waiting in his office so yeah continue with your work." I motion with two fingers to back off.


Assalam another update please share your thoughts with me. Or at least vote and recommend my story with your friends and wattpad followers.





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