Chapter 1: That night

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Wednesdays POV:

I stood there in front of the whole school hugging her. Normally I would have been appalled to be seen hugging Sinclair by this many people or any people for that matter, but something about this night changed me.

When I was fighting Crackstone, I could only think about her. I needed to know if she survived the fight with the Hyde. Seeing her all beat up and bloody made my stomach flip. She could have died and I didn't stick around to make sure she didn't. Granted I had to save the school which is why I left. Every bone in my body wanted to stay with her but I knew I had to go.

I sunk into the embrace of Sinclair's arms. The feeling of her arms wrapped around my body didn't feel nearly as terrible as I was anticipating. Actually, it felt nice. Something about the way she held onto me made my body tingle. It wasn't a bad tingle, it was a good tingle. I...enjoyed it.

"I thought I had lost you..." Sinclair whispered into my ear.

"I'm right here." I whispered back as I hugged her tighter.

We released from the hug and looked into each others eyes. I could tell she is scared. If I'm being entirely honest, I myself am a bit scared right now as well.

"We should probably head back to the dorms and all try to get some rest. Tomorrow we can call our parents and probably leave for the semester cause I can't see principal Weems having us stay after all this." Ajax stated, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Weems is dead. Thornhill killed her."

The entire crowd all looked at me like they had seen a ghost. A few started crying. Enid was one of the few. I know that Weems and Enid were close. I'm not entirely sure why that was but it was a fact.

Sheriff Galpin showed up a few moments after I gave the news about Weems. The sheriff looked at me in horror. He must have found out Tyler was the Hyde.

"Okay kids, head back to your dorms and get patched up and get some rest. I'll contact all of your parents and let them know they need to come and pick you all up tomorrow. If anyone needs anything just give the police department a call and someone there will come and assist you with whatever it is you may need. Wednesday, Enid, I need to talk to the two of you."

Enid looked over at me confused. I gave her a blank expression back like I typically would.

The two of us walk behind the sheriff towards the woods. We ended up at the scene where the Hyde attacked me.

"That thing was my son. I wanted to apologize to you Wednesday about not believing you. As for you Ms. Sinclair, I am also incredibly sorry for what my son did to you. Looks like you and him had a pretty rough tussle. Here's my personal number if either of you need something, call me. Take care of each other would ya. Night kiddos."

Sherif Galpin left Sinclair and I standing where we both almost died. The tension was strong. I could sense Sinclair was on the verge of another one of her meltdowns. Normally I despise when she does this because it's always over the smallest most ridiculous things, but this time it makes sense for her to have a meltdown.

"He had his hands around your throat...He almost killed you Wednesday..." Tears started falling down her bloody beaten up face.

I softened my look. She looked petrified as she stared at the stump where I almost died. Almost dying was a reoccurring thing for me here lately. She doesn't know that though. She assumes it was this time only. I'm not sure if I should tell her about the thing with Goody or not, but right now would not be the time to do that.

"Yes, I could have died, but I didn't die Sinclair. You are talking to me right now and I'm perfectly fine. No need to cry." I tried to reassure her.

"I know you are alive, but it's the fact I almost lost you...I'm not sure if I could go through life without your gloomy, rude, backhanded comments or your stupid investigations. I couldn't go through life without you. You're my best friend Wednesday...I don't want to lose my best friend."

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