Chapter 3

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"Can you get out of the damn room Taylor?" I heard Leander sigh from outside.

"Absolutely not."

"Can I at least know the reason?" I heard him whine.

"You are repulsive." I shouted back without a little bit of hesitation. 

"Ouch, that hurt. Young lady, you better open this door right now." He seemed angry. Am i sacred? Hell no, who would even be scared of Leander?

Me. A little bit.
Okay even Alexandre is scared of him, gimme a break.

"What?" I peeked behind the slightly-opened door. He took the opportunity to fully open the door and slip in my room.

"You tell me, what the hell are you doing here locked in your room for the past 5 hours?" He asked, annoyance reflecting on his face.

"Can you leave me alone for sometime?" I sighed, getting under the covers.

"So you're not gonna tell me what happened?" 

I gave him a dead stare. "Are you dumb?" I have been saying the same thing  for the past hour.

"You hungry?" I just stared at him.

"Fine, at least tell me why you don't want to tell me the reason." He whined.

"Le, sometimes, people just want to be alone. Like, no specific reason. I don't want to be around humans, and i don't want to talk to them right now. It's that simple." I groaned.

"Okay well how long does this last?"
"How would I know? If i feel like coming down, i will. Now get out."

"Can you atleast give me a time frame?"

"Get out LEANDER" I shouted as he walked out. Good riddance.

Let me explain things. Tilly is back. For whatever  reason. Which also means Abel, Apollo and Alvaro are back. Cause they need to follow Charlotte everywhere. Orders from their parents. Don't ask, I am equally confused. You have bodyguards for a reason. Plus, she is just going to her brother's house, not to the other side of the world.

Also, okay i like these three, but don't they have their own mafia, their own school, their own house, and their own lives? Come on, do you have to come??

Which leads to my current position, hiding from my dear sister. Okay maybe not hiding, it's called self care. If i am around her, I will be ruining my own mental peace, and loosing more braincells, which I cannot afford cause like, I am down to my last 2.


"You have detention?" Apollo laughed.

"For a week?" Abel furrowed his brows in concern.

"Omg you broke his hand?" Alvaro asked excitedly.

Yeah i came out of my room.
Actually, i was dragged out.
By dad.
By bribing me.
With pizza. 

And I was now narrating the entire story. Cause apparently in a family, school is the first thing everyone asks about. 

We were sitting in the living room, we meaning every single one of us. I was surprised that no one had any better plans for the evening. Guess being a loner runs in the family.

"So Tills, you sure you have everything for school tomorrow?" Alexandre asked. Wait what? 

"She is going-" "To your school, yes" Estian smirked. I want to punch him.

"How long are you here for again?" I asked in annoyance. And of course, then the drama started.

"My dear Taylor, you hurt us. I thought, i thought we had a bond. But oh how wrong i was. Do you really want us to leave so bad? I thought you would be happy we came. I guess it was my fault, assuming such. I guess it is my fault-" 

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