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It has become daily routine of Miranda to speak on the phone with Alcina for approximately one to two hours per day. Whenever Alcina is unavailable to speak on the phone, she sends Miranda a letter to make up for her absence and Miranda does the same. Even though they are separated by a great distance, it is evident that they have grown closer to one another over the previous few months. Alcina was still searching for a treatment for her disease, which caused her to relocate from location to location, while Miranda was still in the comforts of her manor, though she would sometimes leave with Spencer to examine the chosen individuals for her experiments. Miranda rarely goes out, but when she does, it takes her a week to talk to Alcina again, which she detests since she is impatient. She would rather be confined to her home and hear Alcina's voice than anybody else's.

Although everyday conversations with Alcina have been a part of her routine, this past week was unusual. There were no phone calls or letters from Alcina as an explanation. Miranda attempted to phone the number provided, but was greeted by Alcina's old landlord, who informed her that Alcina had moved out of the flat. This made Miranda somewhat annoyed because Alcina had never stated anything to her. As a result, she attempted to remove Alcina from her thoughts by working. But obviously, no matter how hard Miranda tried, it didn't work. The woman was already imprinted on her mind. There was no way she would forget about Alcina that quickly. Miranda tried all in her ability to divert her attention; she even persuaded herself to take up gardening, a pastime she formerly despised but now finds tolerable.

She is currently on her front porch, which she has transformed into a garden, sowing the seeds of the flowers that will bloom next season. This is one of the activities that kept her occupied during the weeks Alcina ceased calling her. It wasn't particularly helpful in removing Alcina from her mind, but it serves as her therapy nonetheless.

"I have no idea why I agreed to work on a garden with you. This is not even in my job description." Spencer whined to Miranda once again that he would be assisting her boss with gardening, as he does every time. "I should be holding papers, looking for more people for our experiments, but I'm holding shovel instead."

Miranda rolled her eyes and moved on to the next container to plant a seed. "It does not matter what your job description states, Spencer. You stated that you are willing to do everything I ask of you, even if it goes against your will, so long as I put you to work for me. So please quit complaining because I'm allowing you to do this. This was your decision, never forget that."

"Mira, who is complaining? I fucking love gardening!" Spencer grinned broadly yet forcefully as he began to pat the ground with the shovel he was holding. "It is a very pleasant day for gardening!"

"That's more like it. Maintain that attitude, I might give you a slight raise." Miranda teased him.

"So... Has your girlfriend already called?" The question posed by Spencer prompted Miranda to freeze in place.

"W-what?" Miranda stuttered because she was taken by surprise.

"You and Lady D? Aren't you two friends?" He gave her a confused expression.

"Yes," she stopped briefly before nodding her head. "Of course, we are friends."

"Aw, look at you!" Spencer gave Miranda a little nudge. "You're growing up! You are finally making a friend other than me."

"Who told you that you and I are friends?"

"Even if you do not tell me and deny it, Mira. I am convinced that you and I are buddies because I can sense it."

"We aren't friends, Spencer." Miranda gave him an amused expression. She stood up and stretched her limbs as she completed sowing the seeds in the container. "The last time I heard from Alcina was two weeks ago."

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