(The Doctor is haggling with another stallholder so Donna explores on her own. A young woman in a black and gold robe calls to her.)
FORTUNE TELLER: Tell your fortune, lady. The future predicted. Your life foretold.

Rory shook his head, "Typical fortune tellers."

DONNA: Oh, no thanks.
FORTUNE TELLER: Don't you want to know if you're going to be happy?
DONNA: I'm happy right now, thanks.
FORTUNE TELLER: You got red hair. The reading's free for red hair.

"She's not going to let this go." Martha realised quickly, "She's pushing for something."

Mickey nodded along, "And I doubt it's for any good reason." They'd all grown to be naturally suspicious of people pushing their own agendas across the universe, and they were all getting a weird feeling about this fortune teller. Donna's frown at her appearance only encouraged their suspicions.

DONNA: All right, then.

[Fortune teller's tent]

(The young woman looks at Donna's palms.)
FORTUNE TELLER: Oh, you fascinating. No, but you good. I can see a man. The most remarkable man. How did you meet him?

"This sounds like the most ambiguous starter ever." Bill snorted, arms crossed, "All fortune tellers start off with general statements like that."

DONNA: You're supposed to tell me.
FORTUNE TELLER: I see the future. Tell me the past. When did your lives cross?
DONNA: It's sort of complicated. I ended up in a spaceship on my wedding day. Long story.
FORTUNE TELLER: But what led you to that meeting?

"She's up to something." Clara narrowed her eyes at the screen, suspicions peaking. "She's far too eager to know about your meeting with the Doctor."

The Doctor's forehead was furrowed, eyes darting between the screen and the Doctor perplexed about what was happening and more than a little concerned. Donna's reaction to the video suggested something serious had happened to her while he was distracted, and despite her concern she couldn't deny her curiosity to know what she'd missed.

DONNA: All sorts of things. But my job, I suppose. It was on Earth, this planet called Earth, miles away. But I had this job as a temp. I was a secretary at a place called HC Clements.
(Donna has an intense flashback. It makes her sway.)

"What just happened?" Ryan blinked, jolting in his seat at the intense flashback Donna had just experienced.

Donna grimaced, not looking away from the screen. "It's just beginning." The group all shared apprehensive looks at that ominous statement.

DONNA: Oh. Sorry.
FORTUNE TELLER: It's the incense. Just breathe deep. This job of yours. What choices led you there?

"I doubt it's the incense." Rose mumbled.

DONNA: There was a choice, six months before, because the Agency offered me this contract with HC Clements


DONNA [OC]: But there was this other job. My mum knew this man
SYLVIA: Jival, he's called. Jival Chowdry? He runs that little photocopy business and he needs a secretary.
DONNA: I've got a job.
SYLVIA: As a temp. This is permanent, it's twenty thousand a year, Donna.
DONNA: HC Clements is in the City. It's nice, it's posh, so stop it.

Donna shook her head at her mother's normal nagging, it never stopped. The Doctor grinned at the familiar sight of Donna's family.

[Fortune teller's tent]

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