Chapter 35- Informed

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Before I start this chapter,I want to give you an update! So I'm going to be introducing a few new characters. For now in this chapter,it's Marco and Alexander. Marco is second in command and Alexander is third in command for Xavier.

Xavier POV

"Now that Damon is finally out of the way we can take down the rest and be the strongest Mafia",I say confidently. "Whats the plan?",Marco says. "The plan is too attack them at their weakest,after they bury Damon",a voice says. "Natasha,make yourself comfortable after all you the one who helped us all this time.

"When do they plan on burying him?", Alexander asks."I'm not sure yet,but I'm guessing in a couple days. Which leaves us to finish the plan and wait. But nothing,I mean nothing should happen to my nieces or they will be bloodshed and not theirs, yours... Xavier",Natasha threatens. "Don't worry Nat,we made arrangements already for that",I say rolling my eyes.

"Did you tell Roberto and Oliva about the plan?",Natasha asks. "Yes,they know already they just finish plan everything and then we wait for the attack",I answer. "Very well,I'll let you know if there is any change and remember do not tell them that I'm the one who is giving you information",Natasha says before waking up.

"Natasha you have been telling me that everyday since the day you contacted me in order to give information about Roberto and Mason planning to attack me",I say rolling my eyes. "I think I know how to handle this so just go and relax",I say. She nods and leaves.

Sophia POV

"It's been a few hours since Natasha left",I say. "She probably went to report to Xavier",Dante says. "Remember the plan is too also be alert and Dante as soon as your informant tells us when they going to attack you need to let us know",I say. A few minutes later,Dante's phone rings,he steps out to answer it while Mason,Alesandro and I sit and plan how we going to kill Xavier.

Dante comes back into the office. "They planning to attack after we bury Damon",Dante explains. "That bastard,he won't even let my son rest in peace", Mason says angrily. "Damon won't be able to rest in peace unless Xavier is dead",I say. Everyone nods.

"They waiting on us to bury him,so we get to be extra prepared before they attack",I confirm. Everyone nods. "The whole of Italian Mafia will be at the funeral but after the funeral we will come back home,only us", Mason says.

"He wants to kill off the main people who can run the Mafia so if we die,our men is then controlled by him making him the strongest and the most powerful strongest Mafia in the world",I say.

"Now we know so we will be prepared for him",Dante says.

Will everything work out or will everything just fall apart?

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