While Y/N told this in a normally playful way, there was a hint of seriousness in his voice. If there's something that can get him this suspicious, then it's probably worth investigating. He has somewhat of a streak at being "right on the money."

"We can cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, what you need to do is..."

Kirigiri stood from her seat while grabbing the file that contained her class' information before pressing it against the broker's chest.

"...to return these where it belongs. You're lucky that I'm the one who caught you, lest you'd be arrested."

"Ah, but I was hoping you'd put me in cuffs."
Y/N commented while grabbing the file she handed.

The moment Kirigiri let go of the file, her hand immediately went to flick Y/N on the forehead again, making sure it was on the same spot she flicked on earlier.

The broker winced and rubbed the reddened spot as Kirigiri walked past him.

Turning around, he watched her walk away before turning into a corner, effectively leaving his vision.

Y/N sighed at this, so much for a discussion. Despite the short time, the boy was just glad to have seen the detective, he was always so fond of her that he could not help but orchestrate meetings using a real life tragedy (the boom-boom highway) or their soon to-be classmates just so they can get a chance to talk, she was always so busy after all.

But he does have a reason for his suspicions, since...

He personally knows one of them.


Kirigiri took the bus on her way back to her home, normally her grandfather would prefer she call him so he could have her picked-up, but she preferred not having him coddle her; meeting up with Y/N is already breaking one of the rules he set for her, Fuhito always disliked the boy, then again, he was also so overprotective of her, and Y/N is no saint.

Her mind was wrapped up in various thoughts, one of them was if Y/N already returned the file he stole, she considered calling her father to confirm but due to their strained relationship, she had a hard time even just looking at his name in her contacts.

Kirigiri has yet to know the full truth about her father, and this is one of her goals to achieve in trying her hardest to get scouted for Hope's Peak Academy in the first place, the official meeting between them hasn't happened.

The girl shook her head lightly, no use thinking about things that's outside of her control, she'll figure it out once it's time. For now, she'll try to ponder about Y/N's suspicions on their two soon-to-be classmates.

Enoshima Junko and Ikusaba Mukuro.

Save for their titles and basic information, she doesn't know anything about them, and while as a detective, she doesn't trust any suspicion without any evidence; to her, Y/N's suspicions are an evidence. It's just that, she has no way to actually use it.

The broker believes they're somehow connected to the explosion some days ago, but has no way of actually confirming it, so they're just left speculating. The least Kirigiri could do now is to look if they have any form of records in certain departments, and then she'd probably scour through the Detective Library to see if something is written for them down there too.

If it comes up empty, then they'll have to close this case until new leads show up, and since an attack that big only happened recently, then she's sure that whoever did it, if it were really those two, they'd be laying low.

Kirigiri pulled out an old silver flip phone, at the sight of it, memories came rushing back to her, retelling it's old tale, as it did every time she went to look at it.

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