Chapter Five

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(!!!!!!!Warning: Sexual Assault is mentioned, it will be marked!!!!!!!!)

Klaus finally took Jamie out on a date. She showed up with some nice clothes after knocking out Liam and changed in his bathroom before they headed out to a restaurant. When she had come out of the restaurant, Klaus' jaw almost dropped. Jamie's glamour had been dropped and her eerie green eyes that the Original could stare into were on display. Her hair had been tamed and neatly curled while she wore a form fitting, knee high, black dress paired with the leather jacket Sirius had gotten her. Her makeup consisted of a little bit of eye liner and blood red lipstick. If Klaus wasn't the gentlemen he claimed he was, he would've thrown her over his shoulder and sped back up the stairs and thrown her on the bed and claiming her as his as soon he saw the blood red lips of hers turn into the signature Potter smirk.

They had a pleasant time at dinner, having small talk and learning about each other. Jamie learned more about the history of the Originals and how they started, "I want to aim a steak knife down your mother's throat to see if she'll shit it out and what damage it'll cause," Jamie said, "Internal bleeding, gotta love it for the enemies, they'll never know you did it. Gotta a few ideas for Mikael too," she added with a smirk as she sipped her wine. Klaus' stunned reaction returned, "You, love, are a goddess," he said in awe, resulting in the Potter blushing.

"So-um," Jamie thought of her next question, still fighting off her blush, "Favorite hobby?"

"Painting," Klaus admits.

"Really?" Jamie asked in shock.

"I know, the murderous Original hybrid to-be likes painting, it's calming," Klaus said with an amused smile, totally keeping the fact there's about seven paintings of Jamie now. There was one of a man that he had started, he didn't know who it was, but the tall black haired man caught his attention. Not that he'd actually seen the man. It was an image that suddenly came to mind, the tall man with the slicked back black hair, sometimes dressed in all black, but Klaus had also seen him in a ruby red leather jacket. Klaus was sure the man wore makeup, but found that he did not care, it suited him. From the talks with Jamie, he had a suspicion on who it was.

"Can I see sometime?" Jamie asked.

Klaus smiled, "Of course," he needs to hide the portraits of her.

Jamie gave him a big smile, jumping excitedly, "Okay, your turn."

"Besides they-who-must-be-destroyed, who's your worst enemy?" Klaus asked, genuinely curious.

Jamie snorted at the new name for Liam and Dumbledore, "If you ever meet Tom before all this goes down, we're telling him that name," she said, "And the duo will probably be a trio once I say this, but his name is Severus Snape," she told him.

Klaus' eyes narrowed, "What did he do?"

Jamie took another bite of her meal before saying, "Enough that my four friends act as protective older brothers around me, even though I'm older than one of them," she said. She knew the four were just waiting for her to let them she's okay, but she can't do it without Dumbledore knowing. "I should probably send them letters before I head back though," she added, thinking out loud.

"You can do it my place," Klaus said quickly, "now what did Severus Snape do?"

"People we went to school with believe we bullied him for no reason, when really, and some other purebloods or magical raised knew this, he did something he wasn't supposed to," Jamie trailed off, taking Klaus' hand off the table before he broke it. She was glad they were away from other customers as the veins under Klaus' eyes were starting to become noticeable, she just didn't want to draw attention to them if he broke the table.

"What. Did. He. Do?" Klaus repeated, too calmly.

"The Wizarding World is still a bit old fashioned; it has changed in terms of witches being able to take over becoming the Head of a House, but some don't understand that, like they-who-must-be-destroyed. An unspoken rule involving the witches is that if they are from a pureblood house, a respected one, they are to be treated with the upmost respect, especially if they are the Heiress. Of course, my family is known for being a bit mysterious, acting like they were stereotypical Gryffindors, jokes on them since we're from the blood line and the people in that house at Hogwarts are just embarrassing sometimes. I mean seriously, who's constantly that loud..." Jamie started rambling.

"Jamie," Klaus spoke up calmly, squeezing her hand.

"Right, sorry, but some purebloods remembered my father and uncle conversing with Lord Slytherin in some weird language which they found to be parseltongue. Some idiots thought they could learn it because it's a Slytherin trait and Potters weren't Slytherin, again jokes on them. But they thought it would be so cool to speak to snakes—"

"You can talk to snakes?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, and dragons," Jamie added nonchalantly.

"Dragons exist?"

"So do unicorns," Jamie added again.

"Back on topic," Klaus reminded her.

"Right, but some purebloods also knew from their ancestry paintings that the Potters only gave birth to boys. All the girls had died. So when I survived, I gained some respect because I was already powerful to them. The fact that the Potters also had an alliance with the Blacks also gained more respect. There's one with the Longbottoms which shocked many people—,"

"Jamie," Klaus spoke, noticing his goddess likes to ramble.

(S.A. Warning Starts)

"Sorry, anyway I was respected for being a Heiress and being powerful. Many purebloods can act formal and then take that mask down once formalities are over. I had walked off to get changed into my uniform for my first year and Sirius had accompanied me, another unspoken rule is to protect the witches, which will normally fall to a male relative. Yes, witches can take care of themselves, but it was how the wizards were raised. Sirius, being my cousin, came with. When I finished, we were going to go find our cousins when I bumped into someone and his hand got under my skirt. It was Snape. He had deliberately walked into me so he could do that," Jamie explained, not care that Klaus was squeezing her hand too tight, "Sirius had grabbed him and threw him off me, both Remus and Peter coming to help along with some older years who heard what happened."

(S.A. Warning Over)

"Since then, Remus and Peter became close with Sirius and I. My cousins that found out spread the word through the Slytherin house, practically outcasting him when he was sorted into the house. Being the Heiress of two Hogwarts houses made the castle upset and Salazar Slytherin's painting also found out and let's just say that and the boys pranking him made his Hogwarts life miserable," Jamie finished.

"What about the other one?" Klaus asked, remembering a fourth boy was mentioned.

"Oh, Regulus? He joined in once Sirius and our cousins sent letters home," Jamie said.

"Good. Can't wait to meet those four," Klaus said. Jamie gave him a bright smile, excited to know her soulmate would get along with her friends.

"Can we go to your place now?" she asked.

"Yes, let's go, love," Klaus replied, compelling the waiter on the way out.

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