"No!" Supervisor Aga yelled. "You ended the bombardment early! We would have broken through the shield if you hadn't been so impatient!"

Leneh turned to the man with a blank face. "You are correct about one thing, Supervisor. I am becoming impatient... listening to you. Unlike you, I have come prepared with the necessary knowledge to combat these adversaries. The strength of the deflector core that was stolen from the Empire months ago is strong enough to withstand the combined power of two Star Destroyers. That is why I elected to perform a ground assault. Have I made myself clear?"

"But Grand Admiral what if we—"

"Have I made myself clear?" she said again, this time more forcefully.

"Ye... Ye... Yes, Grand Admiral."

"Very good," Leneh said with a faint smile. "You and Governor Henning will remain here to command the blockade. Should any of the rebel vessels make it off the ground, ensure that they do not reach hyperspace."

The two men looked at each other and before they could argue who was in charge, Leneh was already headed for the exit. "Inquisitor, you will join me on the ground."

The helmeted Lena nodded and fell in line behind the Grand Admiral. A few seconds later, they were gone, leaving behind a mostly silent bridge.

Abie opened her eyes and was instantly flushed with relief. The shield held, Abie thought as she looked around. The staging ground in front of the base and adjacent landing field were unscathed while the forests directly outside of the shield's reach were torn to shreds.

As soon as the orbital bombardment stopped, the Cloud Squadron soldiers immediately returned to their duties with a renewed sense of urgency. Most of the action took place in the landing field where dozens of rebels had nearly finished loading the transports with their original cargo. This meant leaving behind most of the equipment actually in the base.

The staging ground was a similar frenzy of activity with Abie at the center of it. About a third of her forces were working to construct a barrier of crates, barrels, and whatever else they could find. Abie let out a grunt as she pushed a large container into place.

"Having fun yet?" she asked an out of breath Oster who seemed to be doing much of the actual pushing.

"Oh yeah, loads of fun," he wheezed.

Abie stood up to see that the barrier now reached across most of the staging area with the last few objects almost in place. Abie's focus quickly shifted to the few people that had now gathered around her, waiting for orders.

"Three shuttles and an AT-hauler inbound!" Oster said from behind her.

Abie turned around to see the Imperial ships slowly approaching from above the horizon. "Looks like time is up," she muttered under her breath.

She whipped her head back to the group of soldiers. "Alright team, you know what to do. Oster, get your squad in position on the double. Alaren, go get the others from the landing field. Whatever is not loaded will have to be left behind."

Everyone sprang into action. Oster quickly rounded up nine other rebels and led the group into the forest in front of the base. Alaren was in a dead sprint toward the landing field. Those who were left began to take positions behind the barrier, blaster rifles pointed toward the forest.

As the group dissipated, Abie could see Twitch and Kasdeya running out of the base. "Shield held and Ion cannons are 60 percent charged. I have transferred cannon control to BO-Z," Twitch reported.

Abie nodded and replied, "Good job, Twitch. Now I am going to help Oster with the first wave. You prepare the line here for our return. Once they chase us from the trees, we will need cover fire." Abie hopped up on the barrier and turned back. "And for goodness sake, send someone to find Rhodes."

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