4.10} Ben's Great Rescue Plan

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"My uncle thought it would be a good idea for me to learn as much as I could even if it would be a little while before he let me take over. My favourite place to go to was the genetics lab." I almost trip over a rock as I catch myself.

"I wonder why." Ben playfully rolls his eyes laughing a bit as I almost tripped. I huff picking up a branch with heaps of leaves on it for the baby brachiosaurus. I then clear my throat pretending it never happened as Ben chuckles.

"Ahem. One of those visits When I was writing one of my books, Luca and I entered just in time for some sinoceratop eggs to hatch. One of them actually took notice of me as it wobbled over towards me." I then stop, staring at the ground with a sad smile remembering the dinosaur.

"After that I named him Chomper since he bit my brother's fingers a few times when we were patting him. I babied him every chance I got while he was in the nursery and when he was with the sinoceratop herd. Though I had to stay home for a few months for lessons since my parents thought I was falling behind on them." I frown remembering all the lessons and training sessions my parents used to make me do just in case I needed certain skills in different situations.

I also thought they made Luca and I keep busy so we wouldn't ruin the house or bother them while they would work most of the time. Though they were never proud or anything as they expected us to do well. Though small mistakes and they would make sure we knew they were disappointed in us. That's why I would take care of Luca and make sure he knew I was there for him as well as Kenji too.

"There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't thinking of Chomper. My uncle made sure he was taken care of but he wasn't always there to look after just one dinosaur. Remember when we used the gyrospheres to herd those dinosaurs during camp?" I randomly ask Ben.

"Uh, yeah. Wait what's that got to do with the story? Did you see Chomper?" Ben asked as he came up beside me, done with collecting the berries. I nod.

"I saw him. He was happy and well. He wasn't alone with the herd around and he was safe. Surprised me as he still remembered Luca and I. The main reason I'm telling you this now is because I understand what you're going through. Bumpy is safe and she won't forget you or me. So if you ever want to talk about Bumpy, I'm here." I offer him a kind smile. "If you let it. Your heart's big enough for more."

"N/N..." He sighs as he puts the berries down and engulfs me in a hug. "I just miss her. And how the three of us were together. I just think it's better to keep a distance this time so no one gets hurt when we have to leave again." Ben explains as I tighten my arms around his waist.

"Of course." I say as I kiss him on the cheek before he buries his head in my shoulder.

.·:*¨༺ Luca's POV ༻¨*:·.

Darius and I just stare at the sleeping Ceratosaurus as I hope it doesn't wake up. Though with the BRAD-Xs surrounding it I guess where safe even if it does wake up but my trust in Kash is and always has been non existent as he's a very unlikable and untrustworthy human. Knowing him he'd leave us with the BRAD-Xs and Ceratosaurus hoping to get rid of us.

The Ceratosaurus growls as Darius and I share a worried look while Kash is on the computer trying to figure out how this all happened in the first place.

"What are the odds that every single fuse blows opening all the dinosaur pens the night before I need them?" Kash exclaims frustrated.

"Bad luck?" I shrug as Kash glares at me.

"Well, um, maybe they-" Darius tries to think of something. Kash grunts and throws his arms in the air not caring.

"I had a whole plan! The bosses show up and are met by baby dinosaurs who do whatever they tell them to. And then, boom. They make me their third partner. Before they know it, I..." Kash then looks at us as if remembering we were here still and kicks his chair.

Lady Of Secrets {Ben Pincus x F!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now