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03. Into the New World



Riane one of the many succubi who work at my club stood behind me asking me questions. The moment the human woman Olympia had left Riane had come in.

She isn't my least favorite of my workers, but I don't like talking to most people especially in frivolous conversation. I pay them to dance and give drinks. They get protection and food for being here.

Getting first class talks with me isn't part of the job deal.

If anything, I wanted Riane out of my office for I could brood. I'm not even the broody type either. That would fall more into Lazarus or Laron's specialty. Laron most of all

He had always been broody, but it fell into his whole envy being his specialty.

"Pleasant, she's a pretty girl and I'll have her working jobs directly for me. I want it clear to everyone here no one is to bother her. When she comes in, she's to go to my office, she's off limits to everyone. I don't want to see anyone feeding on her either."

Riane raised an eyebrow at that. I knew I had piqued her interest now. Never in all of owning this club over the last century had I ever staked a claim on a human or anyone.

I let some of my workers put certain customers off limits to other. It's common courtesy not to try to take the chew toy of another demon less you want to get your hand bit.

"She's that special huh?" Riane asked.

"You have no idea." I responded.

I reached over and took a sip of my drink.

"Are any of my siblings due to come in?" I asked.

"No one has heard anything from Laron, Fortune will be due to come in, it's typically the time of year that she visits, and Lazarus comes and goes as he pleases." Riane answered.

Laron out of my three siblings keeps to himself the most. He doesn't like being around people and when he is around people, he's not the most pleasant. He's very envious of everything in front of him. He takes more to his father than our shared mother.

Fortune is the easiest. She's my only sister and her intentions have always been clear from the start. She's like her father in that matter. The only downfall to her would be the greed she has. Although it dulls in comparison to her father. She's still loyal and is the one I'd worry the least about. I've always gotten along well with Fortune.

Then there is Lazarus. He's hard to read. He's very prideful and doesn't like taking orders. He also happens to co-own this club with me.

Lucky for me he rarely ever comes to the club. I don't know what he does most of the time, but I choose not to invest my time in wondering.

All of them could be a concern in regard to Olympia.

Humans don't have any form of immunity against us or the ability to fight us off and win. Some humans are harder to break. It takes longer for our powers to take effect but it's not like a resistance.

Olympia's had been the opposite. She was pulled under fairly quickly and had remained under for a few minutes before breaking out of it. Humans don't just break out of it.

The only ones who weren't susceptible to my charm touch were the kings of hell and most angels. My siblings are hit-or-miss. We all are sex demons but none of them are just pure sex demon like I am.

My father is the demon of lust. He's the demonic personification of the sin lust.

Laron's father is the demon of envy. Fortune's is the demon of greed and Lazarus's father is the demon of pride.

Lust & ResentmentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora