Meeting with a pro

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(I don't know why but I always thought it started with a D but I just looked it up and it doesn't ugh.)

Izuku and his two friends meet up with each other before heading to the location that All Might had sent them to meet at. Their was just one problem the place was a literal dump. The three teens could see the mountains of trash from a distance and were questioning why the number one hero wanted them to come here. Luckily they didn't have to wait long for an answer as All Might showed up in his small form also in a old beat up pick up truck.

"Good to see you all made it anyway on to what I wanted to talk to you three about but I must tell you that this information does not leave here," All Might said in a serious tone as he walked closer to the teens. The three teens looked at each other before turning back to All Might.

"All Might I c can promise you that w we won't t t tell anyone," Izuku said while his friends nodded in agreement.

"Very well I what I wanted to tell you three is that I have decided to make one of you my successor and to give that person my quirk," All Might said while throwing out his arms. As for the teens they were just starting at All Might until Izuku just started to go off into a mumbling spree. As for Kendo and Jiro that just started at All Might like he was crazy before they both said one thing.

"What!"Jiro and Kendo said while Kendo grabbed Izuku slapped him on top of his head to snap him out of his mumbling where he also proceeded to say, "What!" To All Might.

"Yes you see my quirk is know as one for all it is a power that has been passed from one user to the next with each new user cultivating the power growing it and than passing it on to the next I am the eighth user and I want one of you to be the ninth," All Might said while pointing at the three teens. As for the teens their minds were trying to process what they were just told. All Might next question snapped them all out of their thoughts.

"So who wants to be my successor since I see each of you as possible successors," All Might said while smiling at them. Surprisingly the first to speak was Izuku.

"I believe it s should be either Kendo or Jiro I already have a p powerful quirk t that a a allows me to be useful in m most situations," Izuku said. All Might nodded his head before looking at the girls.

"I think Jiro would be best to take it I already have a combative quirk," Kendo said. Jiro took this time to speak up.

"Hold up we are talking about All Mights quirk don't know if either of you have noticed but I am not that physically strong and that quirk seem like it would have bad consequences with me," Jiro said while waving her hands in front of her.

"Young Jiro makes a good point my quirk is actually dangerous to a unprepared body right now if I were to give her my quirk her limbs would be likely to blow off by just the smallest amount of OFA used," All Might confirmed Jiro fears about his quirk, "but that is why we are here you see by cleaning this beach it would help build up all of your muscles and you would be doing great amount of community service since that should also be a priority for heroes."

"See one of you two should take it than since you two have been training in martial arts for years now your bodies should be able to handle it better," Jiro said to her two friends.

"I would said no like I said yesterday I want to be the leader of the number one hero team plus having All Mights quirk would be counter productive to my own," Izuku said with All Might raising an eyebrow at that which Izuku noticed, "my quirk is meant for me to be behind people in others the back lines of battles to support my teammates while your quirk is more fit for someone on the frontlines essentially are quirks clash in battle field positioning." Izuku looked at all of them with questioning how he thought about that.

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