~13: Where She Takes Part in an Auction~

Start from the beginning

"Swimming is a full-body workout," Colton said stiffly.

"Fallon" a familiar masculine voice suddenly called out.

I felt like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs with a straw when I caught sight of Archer.

His hair was deliciously tousled, and his abs looked like they'd been carved from marble. The black Swim Trunks he was wearing rode low on his hips showing his perfect V. He had a light spattering of dark hair there that disappeared into the waistband of his trunks.

My mouth went dry.

Something hot and heavy seemed to settle in the pit of my stomach, it seeped into my veins and heated my blood.

"Holy shit Fal," Peyton whispered. "Your Archer is a smoke show."

"He's not mine," I said finally, tearing my eyes away from his body.

I forced my lips into a smile, my heart was beating like I'd just run a marathon and my face felt like it was on fire. "Hi, Archer." My voice sounded embarrassingly breathy.

He seemed completely oblivious to the state he'd put me in.

His eyes slowly trailed over me from head to toe, "Nice outfit."

I looked down at the knee-length, bright red, fitted Rib-knit dress I had paired with my calf-length purple suede boots. I studied his expression to check whether he was being sarcastic but to my surprise, he looked sincere.

"My colorful sense of fashion finally growing on you Hastings?" I teased.

"It definitely is." His eyes seemed to grow darker when he said it.

"The Cheerleading squad still hasn't shown up." One of the girls, Pheobe, from the volleyball team suddenly spoke up pulling me out of my trance.

I'd been so preoccupied when I'd stepped into the changing room that I hadn't noticed that not a single one of the cheerleaders was there.

I felt a wave of panic.

What if they'd decided to ditch at the very last moment?

What if Caroline hadn't been able to convince her team?

"Calm down everyone." Archer's smooth voice cut in, "I just got a text from Caroline, they had a small mishap but they're on their way right now."

"That's a relief," Peyton spoke up. "We need to get the show started, Sofia said that we only had this place booked for the auction for the next two hours."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes let's get this show started, the cheerleaders were supposed to go in the end anyway, by the time we get there they'll have reached. Let's not waste any more time."

"Everyone knows what they have to do right?" I questioned. "You guys will leave the changing room and come up on stage as soon as you hear me calling out your name, then I'll introduce you and tell the audience about the day you have planned, we'll wait thirty seconds before making a bid final."


I was a little nervous when I walked up on stage and went to stand behind the podium.

"Hey, everyone," I spoke into the mic placed in front of me. There seemed to be over two hundred people in the audience. They all stopped talking amongst themselves and turned their attention to me. I smiled. "I hope you're all having a nice time." As a response, the audience cheered. I felt my confidence boost a little. "Firstly, I want to thank you all for showing up today. The money you guys spend will really help the school's Volleyball and Swim Team." More cheers followed.

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