Roxy & Gregory: Afton Ending

Start from the beginning

Gregory agreed. "Let's find Vanny and take back our home!" he shouted.

"No. She's just a puppet, a tool for Afton to carry out evil plans," she said. "I can feel him... he is still here. Hiding somewhere below us."

"But you broke Freddy! He should be dead, right?"

Roxanne did not answer him. She had hoped the same thing but upon further thinking, his death felt too easy. Afton did not even cry out as he lost power, he mostly looked inconvenienced. As if it did not matter that they killed him. He could just come back in some way; maybe through the use of a security bot, one of their friends, or even Vanessa herself. Roxanne turned her attention to her dilapidated attraction. It held great memories. Racing kids on their birthdays. Competing with her family. Going on secret dates with Chica and kissing on top of the canyon-like structures. But looking deep into her memory file revealed one dark memory. One that used to be heavily encrypted. She kneeled, planting a fist on the ground. "He's in the basement."


Roxanne knowing where Afton may be hiding was shocking news to Gregory. And it was one of those things he wished she did not know. Every fiber of him wanted to just run away. Gregory never thought he would face off against a near-immortal serial killer that can hack into an entire facility; his possession ability went past machines. Vanessa was possessed by him, forced to become a bloodthirsty individual, through mental torture or threat of death. But Roxanne refused to listen. She entered some sort of war mode. She changed his bandages and found him some food; a charging station re-supplied her with strength. After all that, Gregory armed himself with a metal bar and hid in her hair.

Without a second thought, Roxy ran through the racetrack, taking so many turns that the boy lost track. They passed the concession stands and garages. The winning duo jumped over construction fences and barriers until they reached a padlocked gate; behind the gate was a red door with a black lock. Roxy ripped the gate down; her anger and newfound strength made the deed easy. Then unlocked the door with a voice command, revealing a shaky stairway of scaffolding. Roxy put her hand on the door frame, "Are you ready?" she asked. Gregory grunted in response. They carefully descended the scaffolding, distrusting of its integrity; however, despite its disheveled appearance, the wood supported them. After a few minutes of climbing, they landed in a dark abyss.

The only light came from Roxy's eyes.

Gregory climbed down and turned on his flashlight. The illuminating device shone on a purple generator. The boy gasped softly; he has not seen one of those generators since the Daycare battle. Familiar with them, he approached one and switched it on. A few lights blinked to life overhead. Roxanne narrowed her eyes, "I'll get the ones over there, you do this side." she said. Together, they activated the generators, casting more light to reveal their surroundings. They were in a massive cave, barely supported by beams. Rubble and rocks littered the floor. Gregory had the uneasy feeling that the roof could collapse on them at any moment. As visibility grew, the two gasped at the sight before them.

A massive, rusted building hung from above. Ever so slightly, red lights turned on and made the words "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place." The area was unnaturally cold, and fog gathered around it. Gregory rubbed his arms, shocked that he could see his own breath. The icy cold felt evil and oppressive; they felt surrounded. Watched. Gregory leaned on Roxy, "What is this place?" he asked.

Roxy's ears twitched, "It looks like a sinkhole. The building used to be an actual Freddy location that burned down," she said.

"And they decided to build the mall on top of it. Why?" asked Gregory.

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