Roxy & Gregory (pt. 13)

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                                                              Chapter 13: Freddy's Curtain Call

Gregory grimaced as Roxanne tightened the bandages around his shoulder; this wasn't even the worst part. Cleaning and disinfecting the wound had been agonizing. The wolf animatronic did her best to be delicate, but her lack of experience with human medicine showed. Even so, it was better than nothing. Roxanne closed the first-aid kit, "There! Good as new!" she said, trying to sound cheerful.

Gregory groaned. "I wish humans could easily heal like you guys," he whimpered.

He rubbed his arms, trying to generate some warmth. His shirt was on the floor, ripped to shreds, and caked in blood. They managed to safely get into Roxy's green room in Rockstar Row; somehow, she rigged up a lock mechanism that only opens with her retinal scan. The lock was meager considering someone could simply break down the door, but it deters the security bots. Either way, it provides some level of security.

Roxanne got up and walked over to her cabinet (stopping to look at her reflection) then continued rummaging through her drawer. She pulled out a black leather jacket with race flags on the shoulders. Then she sat next to him, "Here. You can use this since your shirt got ripped," she said.

Gregory stared at the jacket, "Isn't this your racing jacket? You're- you're really giving me this?" he asked.

"Of course! I don't want you getting sick; plus, might as well make my lil' bro look cool."

Gregory looked at the jacket. While living on his own, people would sometimes give him leftovers. The sneakers he was wearing (now thoroughly worn out from running) were given to him by an elderly couple that saw him on the street. Gregory was grateful for the kindness...

But he despised the looks they gave him.

Some were sympathetic. Because who wouldn't feel bad about seeing a child who was homeless? But he also had looks of pity. As if they could understand what he had to go through, while they go on their way home and eat dinner with their families.

On occasions, people would yell at him and chase him away from his hideout, calling him a waste of space. Several times, Gregory has had to find another box to sleep and another alley to hide in.

But as Roxanne helped Gregory slip the jacket over his shoulders, he could feel her genuine care and love for him. She didn't pity him or feel obligated to help him. Roxy did it out of her own volition. And for an animatronic with artificial intelligence, she had more compassion and humanity than a real, breathing human being. Gregory leaned his good shoulder on her, head lowered to hide the developing tears in his eyes. Roxy gently rubbed her chin against his head, "I know you're tired. Just hang on a little more," she said. "We're on the last lap, Gregory."


The young boy nodded and zipped up his new jacket. Roxy smiled, sensing the determination within him. She got up and stood in front of him, offering her hand. Gregory took it and (biting back curses) stood to his feet. He climbed onto her back, concealing himself in her hair; it was so normal at this point that it was second nature for him. Plus, Roxy's hair was very soft and warm.

The winning duo exited the green room, throwing all sense of caution into the wind. This wasn't a mistake or an oversight; they wanted Vanny to see them. They wanted to lure Freddy out. If having all of his allies trapped in their attractions was not enough to anger the homicidal bear, then nothing will. Roxanne and Gregory were sure Glamrock Freddy was blowing his circuits with rage, possibly ignoring Vanny's orders to stay put. If all goes to plan, the bear animatronic would be trapped in his popular laser tag attraction; they sabotaged all the exits and entrances except for one. And once he was trapped in there, that entrance would be blocked off.

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