Roxy & Gregory (pt. 8)

Start from the beginning


The bear animatronic snarled and looked around. Monty balled his fist, enraged at being pushed aside. Freddy scanned his surroundings, yet it was clear the little brat is not there. That child has been nothing but a nuisance all night; Vanny does not have time for this. He does not have time for this. Monty walked over to him and lowered his shades. "How the hell did he get out?" he asked.

Freddy narrowed his eyes, "I don't know! Where's Chica?" he demanded.

"Chica's in the Atrium. Vanny wants that area watched at all times," he replied.

"And Vanessa? She's been quiet," questioned Freddy.

Monty shrugged. "Vanny said she called out early and can't complete her shift," he answered.

This new security guard... Vanny. She must be a new employee; it wasn't until tonight that they met her. It was also strange that the higher-ups would just let a newbie switch shifts with another guard and be by themselves. However, the animatronics were in no position to argue. Their instructions were clear in their programming: obey Vanny without question. Gregory was running out of places to hide. The only places left to go were Fazer Blast, Gator Golf, and the Arcade. DJ Music Man actively patrolled the arcades; Gregory would get caught easily. And the other two locations were crawling with Security Bots. It is only a matter of time before the boy slips up and falls into their grasp. With that nuisance out of the way, they can focus on cleaning up the place and getting it ready for next week's show. And as for Roxy... there are good hiding places in the Utility Tunnels. Places where they will never find her metallic corpse. They can slap her metal casing and personality chip into another endo; it will be like this disobedient version of the wolf never existed.


Vanny's childlike voice brought him down to Earth. While his systems showed a woman with dark hair and maroon eyes, the animatronic was oblivious to the real threat. The woman in the rabbit suit jutted her hip, "Where's Gregory?" she hissed.

Freddy's ears drooped. "He somehow escaped," he replied.

Vanny walked towards the center console and gasped. She tensed her shoulders and balled her fists, looking like a child ready to throw a massive temper tantrum.

Gregory took the disk.

He was never meant to come in here! That disk was crucial evidence, the only thing that could link Vanny to this mess. He is no longer in his digital prison, but it was still evidence. Vanny trembled with anger, "Keep looking for Gregory," she ordered. She grabbed a remote from her pocket and pressed the button. The automatons' eyes glazed over as their new orders took over their systems; they exited the room with stiff movements.

The clock is ticking, Vanny darling.

Vanny nervously tapped her foot, "I-I know, b-boss... Y-you're still recovering, so there is still time. I-I can find this kid!" she replied.

You've said that multiple times already. I'm getting impatient, Vanny.

"I-I u-understand, sir. I w-will not let you d-down! I have a f-few tricks up m-my sleeve," the woman replied.

Hmm... You better pray they work. I have no problem getting rid of you, Vanny.

The woman nodded her head. She absentmindedly raised the remote, "Moon. Find Roxanne Wolf and bring her to me." she said. And swiftly pressed the button


Roxanne scanned him for wounds, then picked him up and hid him in her mane; relief glistened in her eyes. She genuinely thought the boy was done for. That was a horribly close call. Gregory put his chin on her shoulder, "We still need to get you to Parts & Service." he said.

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