Just before Harry can say that he isn't interested in any sexual actions, he sees Louis strutting toward them with a frown on his face.

When he's close enough to them for the stranger to see Louis, he says, "mate, I'm sure you're a nice bloke and don't mean any harm, but Harry here is drunk so he can't consent to what you have in mind."

The man takes a step back, defensively putting his hands in the air. "I'm sorry, I thought we were on the same page. He accepted my drink when he was sober."

"That doesn't mean that he wants to fuck you, Mate, but I get your way of thinking. I think it's better though if I take Harry home safely. He was already tipsy when he started talking to you so I don't want to take any risks." He reaches out his hand to Harry, which Harry gladly takes, stumbling forward as he moves toward his fake boyfriend and practically falls on top of him.

"Oops!" He giggles, but he doesn't let go of the man that he just fell into.

"Hi." Louis breathes with a fond smile.

"Did I ever tell you you're hot?" Harry slurs as he runs a hand through Louis' hair. "I love your hair. It's so soft. I'm glad I met you at the airport to play Sam." He giggles.

With a panicked expression, Louis looks around him, something that Harry doesn't completely understand, his mind a total haze.

"Let's get you back to the villa," Louis suggests as he wraps an arm around Harry to support him as they walk toward the exit.

The cold breeze of the night air hits their faces and Harry breathes in the fresh air like he hasn't breathed in ages.

They slowly walk on the streets together toward their temporary home. Harry sometimes loses balance, but luckily Louis is near to support him.

"Can you hand me your phone? I need to text your friends that I'm taking you home but I don't have their numbers."

"It's in my pocket," Harry responds, knowing that it would take him a long time to grab his phone in the state he's in.

He feels Louis' hand carefully extracting the mobile device from his pocket. Seconds later, after having asked for the password, Louis starts typing away a message to the boys with the hand that isn't supporting Harry.

"Sam texted you then huh?" Louis asks after he has placed the phone back in Harry's pocket.

Harry lets out a sigh before replying. "Yeah, he was being mean." He frowns. "I'm not sure if I like him anymore."

Louis nods slowly and when Harry looks over at him he can see that he's clearly thinking about something. Probably about what Sam said for Harry to think he's mean. But the man remains silent.

The villa then starts coming into view, something that Harry is grateful for. His legs are sore and he can suddenly feel the tiredness hit like a ton of bricks so he can't wait to sleep.

Louis opens the door before leading Harry up the stairs, making sure that the lad doesn't fall over because of his lack of balance.

"Thank you for taking care of me," Harry says with a smile when they have finally reached the top of the stairs and slowly walk toward their room.

"Of course, Love," Louis assures, carefully laying him on the bed, before pulling off his shoes.

Harry whines. "Can you take off my clothes too? I sleep naked."

He sees Louis hesitate. "I don't think that's a great idea, Haz. You're really drunk so I can't check if you're actually okay with this or just affected by the alcohol."

Harry whines again, louder this time. "Please, Lou. Can't sleep with my clothes on. I don't care about being naked, I'm practically naked 24/7 when I'm not in public."

Louis lets out a sigh and finally complies, but Harry notices that he tries to look away as much as possible and tries to steer away from private places as much as possible as he tries to take the clothes off. Harry doesn't know whether he likes that and appreciates that, yes or no. He wouldn't mind Louis' hands on him.

A few minutes later, they're both lying in bed, Louis in his pajamas and Harry naked.

Harry quickly can feel sleep overtaking him and he smacks his lips a few times as he snuggles into the pillows.

Just before he fully falls asleep, he can hear a soft whisper near his ear. "I think you're hot too. Or no... Beautiful actually."

Harry can't stop the smile from forming on his lips before he drifts off peacefully.


I'm sorry for not updating for so long! I have been very busy, but I'm planning on being more active from now on :).

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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