Till death do us part

Start from the beginning

He opens the door and walks towards the kitchen to prepare the medicine. He looks to the right to see you peacefully sleeping. He smiles as he gets to work. He hopes he isn't making too much noise, he would hate to wake you. Once he finishes he slowly walks towards you so as to not spill the medicine.

He sets it down on the table next to the bed. He lightly shakes you. "Y/N it's time for your medicine." After no response he shakes you a little harder this time. "I know you don't like the medicine, but it will make you feel better, I promise." Still nothing from Y/N.

Basil puts his hand on your face and notices you are extremely cold. He rushes to fetch you a second blanket and drapes it over you. "Y/N, please wake up." Basil feels tears well up in his eyes as he holds you close. "Please, please please..." Basil kept repeating. His tears fall onto you. Y/N layed silently still on the bed.

Basil noticed your chest never moved as you slept. It was almost as if you weren't bre- no Y/N is fine. Basil just needs to stay positive. 'Everything is going to be okay, right.'

'Nothing was going to be okay.'

Dream Kel

It was a restless night and you kept tossing in your sleep hoping you would eventually drift off into dreams. However, any hopes at sleep were crushed by loud knocking at the door. Judging by the erratic knocking, you could reasonably assume that Kel was there. You opened your door to find Kel with his infinite energy. "Kel, do you know what time it is?" Kel seems undeterred by your grumpiness. "I wanted to show you the playground at night. Also I couldn't sleep and I wanted to see you."

Well, it seems like you'll have to abandon all hopes of sleeping anytime soon. "Fine, but it better be good." Kel excitedly grabbed your arm and took you to the playground. As you approached the playground, you were mesmerized by the scene. It seemed so different during the night time.

"Come on Y/N!" Kel called as he climbed on the jungle gym. Y/N ran to catch up with Kel. They both started to climb higher and higher on the structure. It was hard to see where to put your feet in the darkness. As you tried to catch up to Kel you kept going faster and faster. Then suddenly you missed your landing and your foot slipped.

Kel was alerted something was up by a loud thud. HE quickly climbed down the jungle gym. "Y/N where are you? Are you alright?" After a little bit of searching he found you lying on the floor. "Oh there you are. Are you ok?" You didn't respond.

"Hello? Y/N can you hear me?" Kel said while waving his hand in front of your face. Kel tried to pick you up but he felt an odd protrusion on the side of your neck. He doesn't know what to do. He wants to go and grab Hero or Mari, but he also doesn't want to leave you.

Kel is immobilized by fear. He can't move, so he just holds you. He tries to comfort you in hopes you'll just sprout back up again and everything is back to normal. Little does he know, that will never happen.

Dream Hero

"Y/N, why have you been hiding my Hero from me?" Sweetheart angrily asked. You had done your best to hide Hero when he made trips over to Sweetheart's castle to hang out with you. Now, however, the cat is out of the bag. Sweetheart has become obsessive over Hero recently, and you standing in her way was probably not doing yourself any favors. "Y/N, I'll deal with you later, but now I should spend some quality time with my Hero."

Sweetheart advanced towards Hero before you blocked her path. "Hero, run, get out of here!" Hero was shocked by everything that was happening. "But Y/N y- Just go!" Y/N commanded. It took awhile but Hero's legs kicked in and he bolted from the room. Sweetheart had an extremely annoyed look on her face. "You insolent little brat!" She yelled as she pulled out her mace.

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