Time for a sleepover

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[Yay another chapter! I might go back to writing other fics, don't worry this isn't going anywhere.]


- Welcome to White Space

- You get to meet Mewo, make sure to give her lots of pets

- Omori pulled up some movies on his laptop for you two to watch together.

- He warns you about the strange lightbulb hanging from... somewhere?

Dream Aubrey

- She prepared the neighbor's room before hand, she wants you to be comfortable

- Gets Mari to bake some cookies for the both of you

- Kel is BANNED from the neighbor's room while you are over. She does not need him ruining this fun time for you

- Will do literally anything just to make you happy

Dream Basil

- You and Basil plant some new flowers for his garden. He said you remind him of the clematis flower. The flower represents beauty and cleverness just like you.

- He's taking a million pictures of you. Sorry, there is no stopping him

- Lovely chats over some fresh tea are a must

- Basil's blankets are the softest thing in the world. You'll fall asleep within seconds of being tucked in

Dream Kel

- Only a sleepover in name, Kel is not going to sleep the entire night and neither are you

- He will shake you awake if you fall asleep

- He wants to do 20 things every minute, with your permission of course

- Hero is very concerned about the both of you

Dream Hero

- You had to sneak him into the castle to avoid Sweetheart

- Of course you're having another bake-off. You're still not even close to his cooking skills

- You two made a game of trying to understand what is going on in some sprout mole's heads

- He makes a big deal of wanting to go to bed at a reasonable time


- For this special occasion you had converted the picnic blanket into a tent

- She has plenty of treats in her picnic basket for the night

- Sometimes the younger ones will pop in to check on you two.

- You and Mari exchange stories as you drink hot chocolate

Captain Spaceboy

-  He's very excited for this sleepover

- He loves to have pretend duels with you

- Loves gossiping to you, wrapped in blankets. His crew mates always the juiciest news

- He collapses from exhaustion and you have to drag him to his bed.


- A chance to hang out with you all day and he doesn't have to leave his house, sign him up!

- Mari drops by to deliver some cookies

- You spend hours rewatching all the Spaceboy shows

- Sunny falls asleep on your lap. Sorry but you can't move anymore, don't wanna wake him


- You were pretty nervous at the start since when you usually hang out it's with the hooligans. This one of the rare times it's just you two

- She gives you a lesson in her favorite stress relieving technique, smashing junk.

- Since it's just the two of you she is a lot more chill

- She's really self conscious about overstaying her welcome and you have to convince her to stay the night


- You hadn't actually planned to spend the night, you were just helping Basil with his garden and you lost track of time. With it being really dark you called your parents and they agreed to let you have a sleepover with Basil.

- Took some commemorative photos with Basil. You know, despite his love for taking pictures he's very camera shy

- Polly brought out some old cheesy romantic movie for you two watch

- You two ended up sleeping on the couch together. Polly found you and draped a blanket over both of you, though, not before taking just a few quick pictures.


-  He's practically bouncing off the walls when you suggested the idea

- He's absolutely roping you into building a fort with him

- Sally is the guest of honor

- Kel won't be sleeping for the next 48 hours. He drank more orange joe than is healthy


- Hero's very happy, he gets so little time off from college. He's glad he can spend it with you

- You made some popcorn as he found a TV show for you two to watch

- Hero's trying his best not to stare at you every 5 minutes

- Screaming internally when you fall asleep and your head rests on his shoulder

THE Maverick

- His house gives weird vibes, it's just too big

- He challenges you in every video game he has

- He's trying to impress you the entire time, he lives off your approval

- Free bread throughout provided by his siblings

The stage is set (Omori x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ