First meetings

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You were exploring pyrefly forest and you were getting pretty tired. There were too many enemies, and now you were low on both hearts and juice. You wanted to find a way back to your home. As you walked along the path you encountered a sleeping cat.

It looked so peaceful, perhaps this could be a good place to relax. You sat down next to the cat and pet it on the head. The cat woke up and long spider limbs sprouted from it. Nope! You ran away as fast you could, the cat keeping up with you. You eventually hit a dead end.

You turn around to face the weird creature. Was this how you die? You closed your eyes and braced for the worst. Nothing ever came...

You opened your eyes to see the creature has disappeared and in its place is a monochrome boy. "Thank you!" you thanked the boy. He only nodded and continued to walk through the forest.

How odd...

Dream Aubrey

You were in the playground playing yet another round of hide and seek with Berly. You had the perfect hiding spot this time. You found a large bush and hid inside. Your arm brushed against something and you recoiled slightly. You noticed a strange purple object in the bush with you.

"Found you!" Berley yelled, grinning from ear to ear. You grumbled and came out of the bush. You held the purple object in your hand trying to figure out what it was.

Suddenly somebody ran up to you and snatched the object from your hands. "Thank you so much for finding Mr. Plantegg." You were caught off guard by the girl. "Uhhh... you're welcome?"

"My Name is Aubrey, can we be friends?" She asked with big puppy dog eyes. "O -ok My name is Y/N"

Dream Basil

You were walking around the vast forest when you came across a giant shoe. You were intrigued by the strange sight. You walked closer to try and see if anyone lived here. Something caught your eye, multiple fields of beautiful flowers. There were so many different types of flowers and plants. You crouched down to get a better look at one of the fields.

"Hello t -there, I don't think I've seen you before." You turned around to see a boy with teal hair and overalls. You were a little shocked and you let out a small noise. "Oh sorry, did I s- scare you?" You waved your hands to dispel his worries. "No, I was just a little surprised that's all."

"These are some nice flowers you have." You said. "I have others if you want to see?" The boy shyly asked. "Of course!" You got up and followed the boy.

Dream Kel

You were minding your business sitting on the swings on the playground. Then you felt something touch you on the shoulder. "Tag you're it." Someone had called from behind you.

You turned around to see a boy with a large smile and as he saw you had turned around he ran away. 'Annoying' you thought but you weren't going to just let him get away with it.

You jumped up from the swings and chased after him. You chased him around the playground, but he was always just faster than you. You were starting to get out of breath with no sign of him slowing down.

You continued to chase until he was passed by a girl in a blue dress. The girl tripped him and he fell face first into the ground. You were able to tag him and continued to run. "Tag you're it!" You yelled

Dream Hero

You were running around the castle in a hurry. Sweetheart needed a replacement for her dating show and you were running out of time. You would normally just pick up the first sprout mole you see but they were all in hiding. It seems like they knew what would happen if they were on the show. Eventually you ran into 4 people wearing... spout mole masks?

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